1.9 Orchid and Magnolia

Start from the beginning

Ji LanBai recognized the maid in front of her. She knew she was the cause of the maid's wound, but at the same time she was reminded that she got sick because of worry and guilt she felt for the latter. Looking at the outstretched thin arms with a bowl of the bitter medicine she was holding, Ji LanBai slapped the other's hands, causing the bowl to fall and also accidentally causing the other's hands to smack her gauze-covered jaw. Then Ji LanBai immediately noticed the painful expression of the maid. She suddenly felt wretched again and started wailing louder than ever.

The other people in the room and the newly arrived princes and the two generals' sons could not help but be silent. The little maid was covering her face with her hands, the earlier impact had clearly caused pain to her.

Mia was very vexed and irritated. She did not dislike children at all. As an adult, she was usually patient towards little kids. She had a nephew she loved dearly after all. However, the thing she loved the most was peace and quiet.

She disliked crying babies, loud children, and most of all, children throwing tantrums.
How many times did she have to discipline her own nephew because her older sister could not bear to 'be too hard on him'? She believed in setting things straight since young age, and children should not be overly spoiled just because they could act cute. In the end, it actually caused her nephew to look up to her more than his own mother.

Adding to that, with her increasingly pain and now-throbbing chin, her patience had practically reached zilch at the moment. She uncovered her face slowly, her small fingers balled into fists by her side. Looking into the Ji LanBai's eyes, she growled, her voice clear and low, her eyes squinted into narrowed slits,

"Ji. Lan. Bai!"

The wailing suddenly ceased, sending the room to also be silent. It was so quiet, no one could hear even the faintest of breathing. If one dropped a pin, the sound would definitely echo inside the room that somehow had turned a few degrees colder.

"Meng-momo!" Mia coldly called, one of her hands reaching behind her back. Her own gaze was never removed from the now softly-sniffling, clearly scared wide-eyed young miss, "A bowl!"

Meng-momo was stunned for a second before she realized the girl was asking for another bowl of medicine. She cautiously handed the bowl to the little maid and prayed to the deities that this time the young miss would drink it. Any lecture about conducts and insolence need to come later. She had to admonish the little maid later for addressing her master directly by the name.

To everyone's surprise, the little maid lifted the bowl to her own lips. She then decisively drank the content in gulps, some of the medicine trickled down her lips onto the gauze on her chin.

Mia kept her silence, but she was cursing inside, "Holyf*ck!! Bitter? This is not just bitter! This thing tastes like bleach! No, scrap that, worse than bleach!"

Of course how she knew what bleach tasted like in the first place was a mystery... .

The dark brown liquid did not smell at all, hence the reason why Mia previously thought, "It can't be so bad." Now she had to try all her might to not spurt the medicine out of her mouth. Restraining her disgust, she threw her head back further and poured the whole bowl down her throat, trying not to let her tongue tasted it too much. She then hold the bowl upside down, showing that it was now empty, while still maintaining her stern poker face,

"There. I could drink it," she lifted her chin slightly at Ji LanBai, looking mightily superior, "Don't be a baby and cause trouble! Meng-momo, one more bowl!!"

Everyone sweated. Who was the master and who was the servant here?

Ji LanBai suddenly looked very docile at the moment with her puffy eyes unblinkingly staring at Mia. She looked like a puppy that had just been told off by her master. However at least, her sniffling hiccups had stopped. Mia offered her a new bowl of medicine Meng-momo just handed over, and to everyone's surprise, she accepted it in her little hands.

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