• I wore his shoes and gloves so only his fingerprints and footprints would be found on everything and anything from me would be acceptable because I like three others had been invited for dinner there as a goodbye party.

• I technically left first and everyone saw me drive away. Nicki being my alibi I was at home sound asleep right now.  And his security system was himself and the gun he kept in his office desk.

As usual the apartment complex was dead silent and dimly lit. Even Travis wasn't out smoking by the sign which I was grateful for. I stepped inside that apartment slowly leaving the front light off and walking back to the bedroom "Drake?" Her voice called out to me sitting up, she instantly stood up wrapping herself around me "are you alright?"she asked mushing my face together. I grabbed her hands and removed them before they could do any more damage "Nic I silently robbed a  house  I didn't get into a shootout and have a speed chase back home" I said to her. She kissed her teeth and glared at me "you know why I worry" she said before giving me my favorite soft smile. "You're not gonna sleep tonight are you?" I asked her, she shook her head looking back up at me "and even you can't make me." She added on. I chuckled leaning back in bed letting her crawl on top of me and talk to herself.  I don't think she realized she was doing it again but I let her, she rarely spoke to anyone and had always had this habit even when I first met her. I let it get worse I admit but only because I thought it helped to let her be comfortable.  "Nicki you're doing it again" I interjected causing her to stop.

"Aubrey do you think I can go to the beach every day?" I asked him rolling my window back up

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"Aubrey do you think I can go to the beach every day?" I asked him rolling my window back up. The sun had been shining all morning and it made me smile , the last few hours in this car with a large amount of money in the backseat had left me on edge. I've always been a panic but today my mind had calmed itself in attempt to ignore the fact that brey couldn't handle a break down right now. "Maybe, I'll still have a job you know even though we don't need any at the moment" he responded in a gruff tone.  "Nicki, I need to know that you're not going to go wandering and making friends with bad news. Not this time we're not doing that shit this time around especially with stolen money in the apartment" he scolded.  I swallowed the lump in my throat "I promise I won't." I told him nodding my head. He would do anything for me, he had done anything for me already before we even conspired to take this money I hoped this time it wouldn't push him too far.
"I'm going to get a job too Aubrey I spent enough time at home I'm ready to be out again" I confessed to him. I had been happy about the move for months but now we were finally here and a real life was calling out to us. I spent two years in the apartment hiding from sunlight itself , the farthest I had gone from it before today was to the stairs to get down to the mailbox. He didn't push, he had always let me be he was the only one that ever let me be but I  can't be selfish anymore and let him do this all alone.  "I'm not gonna be a weirdo anymore" I mumbled tucking my hair behind my ears. "You're not a weirdo or a freak, you've got problems you of all people are allowed to have problems. Maybe with this money we can get you a therapist" he said. I giggled shoving a fry in his mouth "we are not blowing a thousand dollars on a bitch with a notepad I can talk to you like I always do" I assured him.  The car slowed and we pulled in to what looked like a gated community , he pulled out a glossy black card and held it up until the gate beeped and let us in. "This place does not have a nosey landlord, you'll be okay" he told me with a grin. I smiled sliding my sneakers on and lacing them up as he looked for a park, not a lot of people were outside and it was fairly quiet. I pulled the one bag full of my things out of the trunk while he held his. Inside of the lobby was shiny like a fancy hotel, there was a front desk lady who smiled the entire time as she gave us our keys.

"I wanna do it!" I yelled as he went to open the door. After some twisting and turning I finally opened the door "shit" I said once the door had opened. He ushered me inside locking the door behind us and took my bag as I looked around , this was the surprise. He wouldn't let me see where we'd be running away to this time "Nic this place has families and shit, the stuff we did back in Colorado won't fly here" he said walking into the bedroom. "Are you telling me I can't be loud during sex" I asked with a raised eyebrow "I love when you're loud" he sighed resting his hand on my knee. "But what I meant was that smoking habit needs to stop, for one it's illegal and you hate how it smells on your clothes"  I pouted before nodding my head letting him know I understood. "Okay, no trouble" I said to him standing up "do they have a pool?"
"Yes but I thought that maybe me and you could go out to eat" my head snapped back to him at the sound of it. We surprisingly hadn't had an outing with each other ever "why"

"We're kind of rich now remember? Go get showered and I'll look for something". I felt like a little kid hugging him then rubbing away to the bathroom. It was only twenty minutes when I finally asked him to help me turn the shower on

Okay there's a long backstory here that I'll hint at if I ever give these two a second part. They're 20 drake is a promising business man and  usually works in sports areas as a journalist. They've been together for six years. Just figured I should update xoxo

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