Stick up

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"W-what are you doing?" Nicki stammered staring at the figure in front of her. Her intimate items lay scattered around her bedroom floor, every door wide open for all to see inside. 

"What I should've done a while ago" he stated kicking around the jewelry on the floor. Nicki watched him go through her things hands still held high even when he wasn't looking.

"Meek what the fuck" she spat at him anger suddenly overwhelmed her. She dropped her hands to her side and glared at him once he turned around. "It's not like you bought this shit nic c'mon now. Thought we was getting rich together" he jeered walking closer to her. He ran the barrel of his gun against her head pushing her hair back "maybe you'd be there if you stopped smoking your own shit. Or giving it to your boys" she scoffed rolling her big brown eyes.

"You still talking smart even when I could kill you ?" He asked grabbing her ass. Evidently he had felt cocky , finally having the upper hand in an argument against she who was Onika maraj. She gasped , no she didn't find it sexy or a turn on like some crazy bitch. Her shock came from the word kill , she shoved him back and folded her arms. "What the fuck is your problem" she shook her head backing up from him.  He raised his arm and set off some rounds next to her head, catching her off guard she covered her head with her hands and sank to the floor.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING THIS?!" She screamed at him in shock.

"You think that lil Canadian nigga harder than me ? " he asked her laughing. "You want him cuz what he bought all that shit you been wearing around lately?" Her breath stopped at the mere reference of drake.
"Is that why you be riding his dick after we done ?"

"We've never so much as kissed." She seethed through her teeth. "Bullshit. You always all up on him" he spat walking over to her taking a handful of her hair. "I was keeping to myself What were you doing ? What's their names again ?" . He yanked her hair and continued pulling until she finally gave in and yelped.
"This ain't about me. I wasn't the one being selfish. Take one bitch with you to make it out the hood and this is how you repay me ?"

"Repay you for what meek ? We both came out here broke. You didn't help me with shit I was doing we just talked.  You were out here trying to be some big shot dope dealer but failed miserably"

"Bitch hush"

"that's what it is isn't it ? You too much of a bum to get some money so you're taking what I have?"

"Shut up. " he slapped her with the gun and dropped it letting his hands wrap around her neck.  She looked up at him then to the ceiling.

"What went wrong? I was trying my best and you're just taking it from me. Like this ? "
A single tear fell down her cheek as meek continued to choke her.  Her eyes shot open once she felt his metal grip disappear and all the air rushed back into her lungs at once. Her vision failed to focus on the ruckus taking place in front of her as she tried to steady her breathing.


"Don't touch her."

"She nee-"

"I said do not touch her"

"Aub?" Nicki mumbled with her eyes closed. Her head was rested in his lap as he stroked her hair in the backseat of Ryan's car. "You good ? Sit up" he spoke sternly. She did as told before feeling light headed and resting on his shoulder. "There we go she's awake. Yell at him in that accent " Ryan joked from the drivers seat. Nicki blinked a few times trying to keep up , "take it easy you hit your head" Drake said. Not long after she felt warm kisses placed on her forehead soothing the pain.

"What's going on ?"

"That fucking dog tried to kill you. And he almost did too, but he got what was coming to him. " drake began to say. His hand found its way to the necklace around her neck and held it up.

"Drake it hurts" she began to whine as her head started throbbing. He kissed the top of her head again and rubbed his arm on her warming her up. He tucked the necklace into her shirt and wrapped a blanket around her.

"You gotta keep talking for me"

"Okay.." she trailed off
"I was so scared. I didn't know he felt that way" she began to ramble off to him struggling to keep her consciousness.  He listened to her every word as though it was her last. "What did he say ?"

"He said I abandoned him. And he was right"
"Nicki you got a job. You made some friends and you stayed away from the toxic shit. He fucked up and I'm not about to let him make you think your fucked up with him. " drake stared sternly. He knew nicki wasn't rich like her friends , but he liked her. Everyone knew that including her no matter how many girls friends he had that year they met. she was always reviving gifts from him and invites to places she could only dream of.  The jealousy meek got from it had reached its boiling point clearly.

"How about you stay at my place for a bit ?"

"I'd like that. You have a nice pool" mumbled  doZing  off.

"Hurry up I think she might have a concussion "

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