Money bags

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Shattered glass crunched beneath the expensive Italian shoes that stepped on them in a hurry. He couldn't really tell if he was rushing because he was nervous or because the shoes he had stolen from the real owner were so tight on his feet. The internal clock he had set was ticking away while all the what if's he had tried to fuck out of his system earlier began prying their way back in to his mind as one stack of money after another was put into his bag.
Images of nicki smiling up at him flashed before his mind stopping time itself

"We ran away for better or for worse remember?" Her soft voice rang through his head sending a warm feeling through his abdomen. "I remember " he whispered to himself forcing the money filled bag closed. He looked at his hands inside the leather gloves also taken from the owner of this house who was knocked out by drugs at the moment. They had just done something he couldn't take back, changed him forever even if he wasn't caught any time soon or at all. He's never seen himself becoming a thief, nobody ever thinks they're destined for crime until life comes knocking on your door, hard. He shook the guilt from his head and closed the safe before looking around the nice house one last time. He'd worked with this man for years, watched him pull up to work in the newest model while he pulled up in the same car he left Toronto with years ago. Not that he minded, he didn't exactly go looking for the finer things in life especially with nicki at home. She had always expressed a liking in their Low profile Often she'd compare it to a romantic movie. He grew fond of this image, no stress young love minding their business getting everything out of a simple life. Until he came home to nicki in hysterics one afternoon and half burnt dinner on the stove which is what lead to him standing here with sixty five thousand dollars in his gym bag

"What's wrong ?" I asked alarmed with the smoking pot in my hand. Fresh tear streaks marked her face her brown eyes were glassed over and full with fear. "He keeps coming around drake, I'm too scared to leave the apartment un attended and I'm even more scared to be here alone all day while you're at work" she told me wiping her face with the back of her sweater. She stood up looking at the pot in my hand then back to me "I'm sorry he just stormed in here a—
"What." I said sternly stopping her , scanning her disheveled appearance over I looked for any signs of bruising. I wouldn't hold it past Travis, he was the typical landlord around here with an obvious drug problem and obnoxious personality. He whistled at anything with a vagina reeked of cigarettes and whiskey and did little to nothing. Everything about him was a red flag from the day we got here but lately he went out of his way to mess with us. We had already left an ugly past behind and I don't plan on it following nicki everywhere she goes. "He just barged in drunk of course"
"Yes, he always does that but why are you crying. ?"  She avoided eye contact the sound of her government name pushing her to answer. "I thought you came home early when I heard the door open so I didn't pay it any mind by the time I got a whiff of him he was pressed up behind me laughing. I started cursing him out and he threw a bunch of mail at me...he's been holding half our bills drake and we're behind on rent which he said I could easily fix with a favor" her arms folded across her chest as She sniffled. I sat the pot down on the floor and started picking up letters with final notice stamped on them. I didn't need to open them to know we didn't have the money for it.  "We can bring my clothes back I don't go out plus  I like your sweaters better anyways" she tried to convince me sitting in between my legs looking at the letters.
"Onika I need to know you have your own clothes you deserves that. You're not returning anything I'll take care of this" I assured kissing the top of her head.

The car engine sounded loud as thunder as I started it up again , I looked over at the bag of money sitting next to me and took a deep breath.
"It's the perfect crime" I told myself going over what nicki helped me to come up with.

• Disappearing the day after was always a dead giveaway we had already told everyone we planned to move  tomorrow because nicki wanted to live in Florida and I had better work.

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