Billboard billionaires 3

388 16 24

Everyone watched the bright red Lamborghini aventadoor pull into the school parking lot and park in the usual spot of none other than Nicki . The spot had been blessed with various Luxurious foreign cars since sophomore year when she got her permit.  Wondering what caused the change in cars some awaited her exit with suppressed anticipation.

For once she wasn't in heels and a dress that would make you question which way you swing

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For once she wasn't in heels and a dress that would make you question which way you swing. She had on all white with a gold jacket and matching sneakers and bracelets. Beyoncé stepped out also rocking a drastic new appearance , straight black hair. The two continued their conversation from before letting the car doors slowly go down behind them.


After a much needed weekend vacation in Turks and Caicos I flew back this morning and had my car ready for me to go get Bey and come straight to school. Sleeping on a private jet was more refreshing than most people know. We both looked amazing with the given few changes here and there, my change was more than a vanity experiment. I Onika had my sights set on screwing Rihanna over this week, she always thought I was some sweet bitch who couldn't  "match" her level of  savagery. We all knew that was just the term she used to cover up the fact that she just genuinely selfish, but pretty people don't get called ugly things because it's mean.  Instead we get to be hypocritical and make a bad personality trait a new "it" trend. Airing out my personal business during dinner was the last straw. 

" I know i changed my hair because I was bored. But what's up with you, you got sneakers on and you left your pretty hair out" Beyoncé said to me. I smirked before turning to her and holding her hands "bey. You are my best friend which is why I know that you'll be on my side this week even though I will be putting you through absolute semi hell with all my shenanigans you want to be the mediator in" I smiled. She did too but more in a confused and amused way, "Onika. What are you up to?" She asked me slowly smiled still big as ever. 

"Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." I said simply, Beyoncé arched her brow at the comment. I giggled and pulled her to our usual meeting spot , I hoped she really got the point and left us alone. No way in hell was I switching friends groups for that bitch I'd push her far from my comfort zone before I decided leaving it. Jermaine and Kendrick were standing by My locker "where's Wayne ?" I asked them. 

"Nic have you always been this short ?" Kendrick asked me looking down, I rolled my eyes. "Don't wear heels nicki wear sneakers for once" she mocked them "I didn't tell you to be short while doing so" he said sipping his orange juice. "I-" I tried to plead but stopped and pouted instead  "I'm messing with you Barbie" he laughed picking up a handful of my hair.  He looked at it then set it down "so who am I dragging shopping with me did you decide ?" She asked with a wide smile. 

"I actually don't have shit to do" Cole said throwing away his now empty bottle "I'll go. I might treat you to lunch , but that's more because of the fact that I want to eat" he told her. She hugged him and clapped "good. I haven't bought a dress in a while. Haven't been to a dance since ninth grade" she admitted. But they all knew this , last dance drake had ruined for her so they both skipped it. Our teacher opened the doors to class early today so we went in and sat in our usual seats, mine being right next to drake who hadn't come in yet. I took out my notebook and set it on the long oak desk before taking out my favorite purple pen. Soon other kids filed into class talking their seats and in came drake , normal as ever and that weirdo wasn't even next to him. He sat next to me quietly and pulled his papers out as the bell rang.

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