The most dangerous game

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The smell of the salt filled water made drake scrunch up his nose as he sipped on his champagne.  The moonlight lit the decorated upper deck of the large ship enough for him to make out the ace of chubs across from him. "There's an island out here" he informed  his good friend  "impossible , never seen an island out here on the map" Drake said sitting up.

"it's a mystery" 

Drake laughed at his friends gimmicks to amuse him for the night , the effects of the champagne and the blunts they had helped themselves to that evening left their brains buzzing. "What , its inhabited by Basilisks and hippogriffs? The water glows ?" He entertained the story as he finished his last drink of the night.  "If it did , you would have set up camp there a while ago. Have each head mounted on your walls" chubbs commented "I would have tried to buy you out of it. That would be a true  experience, there's little fun game to hunt now. Being the top hunters in the world has grown boring don't you think?"

"Maybe, I enjoy traveling even if it's just to gain one head I already have back at home. "

"A damn basilisk" chubbs laughed standing up  he stretched out his limbs and yawned walking over to the rail. "It's that's way, They say of you follow the current it finds you" Drake only listened and looked off into the distance the blue of the ocean fading to the black of the sky.  "Goodnight drake. I'll see you tomorrow you gonna have another drink?"
"No, just going to think for a while and finish my smoke then stumble off to bed later"  he told hi truthfully looking over the rail. They said their goodbyes and now he was deep in thought the waves sounding as if they were right inside his head.

Three shots rang off in the distance causing the tall man to spring up from his hunched position. He looked over in the direction they had come from desperately trying to see the Island chubby spoke of. But the night sky was like a thick blanket , he stood up on the rail in attempt to get a better look. Balancing himself he looked once again moving a bit upward his blunt was knocked from his mouth. Trying to catch it he lost his balance and fell forward towards the black waters below him.  The cold water stabbed at his skin stinging as it consumed his entire body. Everything became a blur, he swam in any direction he felt was up until he finally felt a cool wind on his forehead. Taking his first breath in a few minutes his lungs burned with the taste of salt following.  He looked around for the light of the ship only to see them fading and far out of his reach.

"Fuck" escaped his lips as the water from the sea slapped at his face burning his eyes. This wasn't his first life or death situation, however those usually took place on dry land. He remembered the shots he had hear earlier, they had come from the right. He turned and began to swim , it felt as if his eyes were stuck shut the way the darkness never went away no matter how much he blinked. He swam for what seemed like an hour , limbs sore begging for rest. His adrenaline had run low by now. All he wanted was rest, he heard a sound. A low growl , no sea animal was known to make a growling sound. This means land , the sound of waves crashing on rocks sent relief to take over his body. Swimming towards the sound he stopped after hearing a ring through the air. A pistol. Finally he was met with sharp rocks on his now raw skin , grunting at the unwelcoming feeling. He pulled himself upwards until he felt a flat surface beneath his hands.  He was met with a jungle , filled with vines and larger than life trees , he let himself roll a little bit before finally letting his body rest at ease falling into a deep sleep.



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