BillBoard Billionaires 1

813 24 54

Nicki stepped out of her new Sleek black Maybach and carefully closed the door locking it. She ignored the glances she was getting from her classmates and gave a sly smirk before sliding her shades on and popping another almond in her mouth. As usual the crowd parted as she walked giving room to one of the high schools well known it girl.

"Oh my fucking god Onika" Beyoncé gasped as her friend approached the group. Nicki let out a shy giggle hugging her friend "you look good Nic" Jermaine yawned throwing out his empty water bottle. She smiled and held her hands together waiting for them to continue their previous conversations but the attention had been fully turned on her.

"What?" She finally asked

"You're all bubbly" Kendrick said flicking the brim of her pink dad hat up. "I'm always bubbly" she said standing up straight. They hesitated not wanting to blatantly remind her that all of last week she was the exact opposite and the reasons why were standing a few feet away. Bey shrugged and hugged her again accepting her friends new found happiness. "Is mama Home ?" Kendrick asked hugging her next "she got back last week she wants you all to come for dinner tonight".

"I'm down. Your mom cooks better than our cooks " Kendrick said wrapping his arm around her neck as they all began walking class Bey held her right hand hooking her left arm with Jermaine's.
"Plus y'all always got Caribbean food. I love that shit" Nicki began to laugh "Nicki's Caribbean food" Beyoncé mumbled playfully poking at her friends ass.

"Don't do that !" She scolded disregarding the comment "yeah" Kendrick mocked while sliding his hand down her back "Kendrick !" She whined smacking his hand away. "I expect this from Wayne. Where is he anyways ?" She asked taking her seat. "He snapchatted me from his dad's car so I assume he's busy today" Bey said opening her binder. "I'll tell him about dinner tonight" she added just as the bell rang. Drake walked in and took his usual seat across from them "Wayne here ?" He asked "no he's with his dad" Nicki said re arranging her papers. Everyone including drake himself had tensed at the sound of her voice. It was the first time she had directly spoken to him in a week. "Oh.." he responded finally

"Drake no talking" their teacher scolded , nicki burst in to a fit of giggles.

****** Lunch

"How have I never been here before ?" Beyoncé asked popping another steak cube in her mouth. Her honey brown hair glistened in the afternoon sunlight that was beaming on them. The chic restaurant was one of the few that offered an amazing outdoor view during lunch times.

"Daddy took me here last summer I've been meaning to take you guys" Nicki said softly while mixing her ranch in her salad. She stole a few of the chicken pieces off of Kendrick's plate and began to eat. "How's my rating Kendrick?" She asked , it was almost traditional for them to all attended lunch together outside of school , unlike most of their classmates they preferred reservations at restaurants over McDonald's. Kendrick had a specialty for Asian food , mostly Thai , Beyoncé liked everything French and Mexican, Wayne would eat anything but not without some commentary first. Nicki however loved her Caribbean food and Italian , she always begged to have one or the other. Jermaine was the same way. Rih liked fast food mostly. "I approve , love this sauce on the chicken" he praised the food "ten outta ten Nika". She smiled and sipped on her raspberry lemonade that bey had ordered them. Drake made his way back from the bathroom and took his seat at the head of the table.

"I'm fucking starving man" he clapped happy to see the food had arrived "I think they ran out of your drink so i ordered the ice tea you usually get" nicki told him not taking her eyes off her phone.

"This rice is spicier than I thought it would be" rih spoke up , the orange and red speckled rice looked delicious and spicy just by the color of it.

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