"That's great then! All we need to do is to find ourselves some gas and any explosive devices." Alexis said with a smile forming on his face.

"There are some spare gases inside the stockroom and I think there are still some unused firecrackers there," Kevin said making the plan settled.

"We will start executing our plan tomorrow early in the morning and we will divide ourselves into three," Alexis said that made me look at Troy, "the first group will take the gases and firecrackers from the stockroom, the second group will ready the large speakers on the auditorium and the last group will stay here and will keep watch on the school bus."

"Great! Now that's a plan," Lauren exclaimed forming her lips into a smile.

I checked my phone and it was already six in the evening. We still have some extra snacks that we got from the cafeteria two days ago so all of us shared what we got.

"So Alexis, I noticed that you seem smart, what grade are you in?" Lauren asked while munching on a strawberry flavored biscuit.

"Uhm, no, I mean yeah," Alexis nervously laughed scratching the back of his head and looks flattered, "I am a graduating student and one of the top notchers all of over the school, so yeah."

"Wow, you must be really intelligent," Angel said in amusement.

"Yeah, he really is intelligent," Audrey said while slowly taking a sip on an orange juice, "he usually likes to study about biology and knows almost everything about microorganism and such, that's where he excels."

Alexis just smiled after his sister boasted about how intelligent he is, "after I graduate here, I will take a BS in Biology course because I want to work in Sirecester Research Facility." He said that reminds me of dad.

"Our mom works there back then when... well, she was still alive, and she's the very reason why my brother got so obsessed with science," Audrey said with sadness in her eyes after mentioning their mother.

"Your dad also works there too right?" Alexis asked looking at me.

"Uh, yeah, he's also an expert when it comes to biology," I said trying to force a smile on my face and suddenly I remembered something, "speaking of biology, have you ever heard about this newly discovered organism that never dies?" I asked looking at Alexis and he seems to know something.

"Of course, it's a newly discovered organism and was named 'Mutaphoid' or most commonly called as 'the mutating parasite'. It was named as such because when you kill it and when another organism makes contact with it even just stepping on it, the muthathoid then takes the body of that organism controlling its whole core," Alexis said while the rest of us were listening carefully, "there was a video about this, it went viral on the internet a year ago, I think."

"Oh yeah! I remember!" Lauren exclaimed trying to remember something, "in that video, there were some groups of scientists from Sirecester Research Facility trying to experiment something. They killed a poor rabbit whose blood was purple-ish and placed it inside a huge glass container. Later on, they put a tarantula inside the container and it was crawling all over. But everything went from gross to deadass gross when the tarantula stepped on to the dead rabbit, the purple-ish blood of the rabbit suddenly moved and was slowly swallowing the poor tarantula alive. And based on the video, after twenty-four hours or so, the rabbit had mutated and had grown spider legs on its back. I was totally puzzled about that video they even said that it's fake."

"No, it's not fake, that video was supposed to be private but an unknown person hacked the computers on the research facility and uploaded that video online," Alexis said.

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