Realistic Panic Attack

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The blood pounded in her ears.
Her heart thudded in her chest.
Her hands shook.
Her feet tingled.
Her vision disfigured, as if she were looking through a fish-eye lens.
Breathing was hard.
She cried harder, her chest growing tight as bile rose in her throat.

* Overwhelming since of dread.
* Inability to breathe/hyperventilating.
* Heart palpitations.
* Dry mouth and/or throat.
* Chest and wind pipe closing up.
* Chest pain.
* Crying.
* Nausea.
* Feeling like they are being choked.
* Sweating.
* Heat flashes.
* Chills.
* Dizziness.
* Need to go to the toilet (for either).
* Stomach churning.
* Pins and needles.
* Shaking.
* Shivering.
* Feeling detached from the situation (depersonalisation).
* Visions become like things are viewed through a fish-eye lens.
* Intense emotions.
* Lashing out (throwing things).

-After a Panic Attack-

Panic attacks take alot of energy and are very draining. Getting food into the system of someone who's just had a panic attack is a very good idea. It can help calm them down.

Do Not: Tell said person to 'calm down', this makes them worse.

If the character knows they're being irrational, it infuriates them. If they don't know, it could make them panic further.

-Panic Attack Triggers-

Anything can trigger a panic attack, it depends on your character. Some people suffer from panic attacks more than others. It depends on a) what their trigger/s is/are, and b) how often they're exposed to it/them.

If your character has anxiety, the tiniest things could set them off. If they're of a nervous disposition, it could be something as minuscule as the way another character says something.

Panic attacks can happen to anyone, all it takes is the right trigger. It doesn't have to be something they fear, it could be something the hate, or even something they love. Love can very quickly turn into fear/anxiety/panic if the character is in an unknown situation.


Instagram: raincovet_

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