Chapter 20

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It's 1 day before the road trip. Meaning, even more stress for Stefan and Elena because they haven't told Rebekah they kissed. They definitely can't talk to each other about it though, because they aren't even sure what the kiss meant to them.

Stefan finally builds up the courage after a couple drinks to text her, because he can't procrastinate any longer.
"Can we talk?"

She sees the text right away and waits a few minutes to decide if she should even respond.
"I don't think we should be talking."

His face tenses up, and takes another sip of his drink. "I know. I just can't not talk to you."

"I can't either... meet me at my house, Jenna won't be home until 3 so we don't have a lot of time to talk."

"We can't talk while Jenna's home?"

"No I uh... kinda told her about how we kissed and now she thinks you're trouble. Sorry."

"I deserve that.. Coming soon. See u."

Elena paces around her house for 15 minutes waiting for Stefan while he rushes over. Finally, he starts to knock and she opens it after the second one.

They both stumble trying to find words, and end up saying hey at the exact same time while awkwardly standing in the doorway.

After a quiet pause, Stefan shifts his focus to inside the house and then back to her eyes, "Can I come in?"

"Oh- oh my god, yeah-uh, sorry." She nervously laughs while letting him walk past her.

They sit down on her bed, a little bit closer than just friends would sit. "You look a little.. different. Are you ok? Get enough sleep?" he smiles and blushes, but she doesn't know why. "What??"

"It's really cute how worried you get about other people."

Her face turns red and she looks down at his shirt to avoid eye contact. "I don't act that way with everyone..." His face turns more serious. The tension has completely flooded the air.

They both unintentionally move even closer, to the point where his hand is directly over hers. They both don't move. Their heads tilt slightly and they lean into each other. Their lips touch, but not fully a kiss because they both know it's wrong. They move back barely but put their foreheads together. After what feels like an eternity of them both waiting for it to happen again, Stefan quickly puts his hands on her face and kisses her. She wraps her hand around his arm holding her face, and pushes her other hand through his hair.

(lol, drama coming soon!)

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