Chapter 2

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"Is everything ok?" He asks her. 

"Oh- yeah." She faces him and realizes how handsome he is which makes her laugh nervously, "Sorry. Just, my boyfriend. He uh... Yeah you probably don't wanna know the full story." 

He heartwarmingly smiles, "No- trust me, I have time. I'm just walking to school. I want to get there kind of early because I like how quiet schools are around this time." He laughs. "Lame, I know. It's not so quiet at my house." 

She laughs with him. "Wait, do you mean Mystic Falls High School?" He nods, "I've never seen you around. Sorry, that sounds kind of mean. I just think I would've noticed you.."

"I would definitely notice you, too." He realizes he's staring at her and they both look at the ground, "and yeah. Today's my first day of school. Go Timberwolves- is it?" They laugh. "So what happened before? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh!" She had completely forgotten her boyfriend left her without a ride. "Well, my ride to school ditched me. But it's fine- he just had to get there early and there wasn't enough room in the car."

"Wait- so this guy, who's your boyfriend and your ride to school," he squints his eyes in confusion, "just left you? 'Cause he couldn't make room?" 

"Yep... Not to mention, I just woke up and he called me telling me to hurry up." She puts her hair behind her ear and realizes the confused look on his face, "I think I know what you're thinking.. Don't worry, he's not always like this."

"Like a douche?" 

"Yeah." She laughs and looks at her feet. "So, I should probably let you go now. Sorry to bother you with my tragic story of how I was rushed in the morning by my boyfriend. I'll see you at school!" She turns around and starts to walk back to her all-white porch.

"I'll see you, too-" He softly smiles and realizes he never even told her his name, or learned her name, but it was too late now. He continues to walk to school and can't stop thinking about her, or why she would even be with a guy like that. She's the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

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