little fazed

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As jin couldn't keep his squeals and fanboying to himself, the little started rubbing his eyes. Yoongi opened his eyes and looked around.

He looked around and saw everyone staring at him. The feeling of the intense stares started to become overwhelming. His eyes started to feel with tears.

"Shh. Shh. Its Alright little one. Don't cry. We're not gone hurt you. " jin tried to persuade yoonie.

" What the fuck Jin?! That's a grown man! There is nothing little about him!." hoseok yelled.

" I can second that. There is nothing little about Yoongi hyung. NOTHING.😏" jimin mumbled.

Taehyung chuckled at that.

"Fuck? Fork? Fuck? Duck?" yoonie started to question the new word.

"Ya! Hoseok you taught him a naughty word already!" Jin stated beginning to get angry.

Yoongi then started to smile.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" he exclaimed while clapping his hands and giggling.

"Oh great. A little. And a potty word. " Jin whispered to himself.

"OKAY EVERYONE! I think it is time for me to explain some things. You all WILL be respectful about this situation. You WILL NOT. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Make him feel bad or anything about this matter." Jins Eomma mode turned on.

" Because if you do. You. Will. Deal. With. Me." everyone got quiet. Shaking in fear.

"Got it? " Jin said with a bright smile.

The members all shook their head, afraid to speak.

"Good then. Lets go" A happy jin starting leaving for the dorm.

Authors note: I know this doesn't have many views yet. But Im trying😊

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