Chapter 29

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Once they had made it off the trail, the small group of four saw small houses scattered around a large meadow. There were some stands that provided clothes and blankets, while others had food and buckets, Brant assumed, for water. The family that had been leading the group all yelled the same word and everyone who was out came to them immediately. Brant was amazed at the control this family seemed to have on the people, but he knew it wasn't because of power.

Joyce started speaking, "Thank you for gathering so quickly, we have an announcement to make," she moved and gestured to Brant and the others, "These are friends, or at least, acquaintances with Kotone Yamashita. They have escaped the Governor and have come seeking help. Find an empty house for them to stay in, get them cleaned up, and by the heavens, get this girl some new clothes and shoes!"

As soon as she finished, the people scattered to get their assignments done. Brooke, Lucy, and a couple other girls dragged Klara into a nearby house while several other people showed Brant, Gabriel, and Ashton to a house that was somewhat close to the path entrance. The house had an old looking exterior, but the inside was brand new. Brant looked around in shock at the niceness of the house, but his thoughts were interrupted by a small man.

"There are four bedrooms and there is a bathroom upstairs, you will need to find it, but there is also a shelter hidden in the house in case of emergencies. There is a kitchen, so be sure to never start a fire for any reason we fear the smoke with attract attention. We also recommend at least two people in every room while sleeping in case an emergency occurs," he explained quickly and then turned and walked out of the house.

The three looked at each other a little warily, "Do we follow the recommendation or do we give Klara her own room?" Brant asked.

Just then the door slammed open and Brooke stormed inside, "You absolutely cannot make a young girl like her sleep alone. We don't have any idea how safe we are and if something happens she could be hurt!"

Klara and Lucy quietly followed Brooke inside the house. Lucy walked over and put her hand on Brooke to calm her, "Sorry, she can be a little overbearing sometimes, but she does have her reasons. She lost her husband and almost lost her baby because they were in another room when the swat teams came. Her husband went into the room where the baby was and got the two out, but he was killed in the process."

Klara popped up from behind Lucy, "Do you know when Kotone may get here?" she asked.

Brant just looked at her dumbfounded, "How am I supposed to know that? Her and Fionn should be here once she gets what she wants."

Klara gave hima bright smile and then ran over to Ashton, "Let's go explore the house, come on! Come on!"

She dragged him up the stairs while the adults sat and waited for them to leave. Brooke rubbed her forehead, "I can't believe she is fourteen. What fourteen year old acts like that?"

"One that's under the stress of keeping everyone happy?" Brant questioned before looking Brooke dead in the eye, "Where is your mother, I realized I may have lied to her while watching Klara."

Brooke narrowed her eyes, "About what?" she hissed.

"Something I can't say within earshot of Klara," Brant explained, "Gabriel you stay here and if they ask I went to find out about where we are. Please take me to you mom."

Brooke wouldn't budge, but Lucy reluctantly lead the way out the door and into the commonplace. There is where they found her mother trying to get things in order for the group. Brant thanked Lucy and walked up to Joyce.

"Missus Herman, I realized there is something I need to talk to you about." he said sternly and Joyce nodded.

She led him to a quieter part of the meadow and asked him to explain what he wished to discuss. Brant took a deep breathe and looked her in the eye.

"When you said Klara was worthy, I said she wasn't. When we found her she was dressed in those clothes and she explained that her testing was never done. We gained this booklet recently from some swat team members, it has all the information on everyone I have been traveling with. I didn't think about it at the time, but Klara's information says she is worthy," he explained as clearly as he could.

Joyce was completely silent for a couple minutes but finally started to talk, "Did she lie to you about her origins?"

Brant answered firmly, "No, I do not think that girl could lie. She was on the brink of death when we found her."

Joyce nodded slowly, "Then how was she never tested, but still worthy?"

"The booklet says the Governor specifically decided on her without testing. Another man we talked to said this privilege would only be given to the Governor's child." Brant mumbled the last part of his explanation and looked to the sky.

"We won't turn her away, she already has spoken with us. I believe you, and I also believe her. You will all be allowed to keep residence here." Joyce said before walking back to other people, "Just don't let Klara know about this."

Brant nodded and went back to the house they had been given and was met with an unexpected surprise when he went through the door. Klara was laying down on the floor face down while Ashton sat nearby her and watched her. Gabriel was nowhere to be seen, but something told Brant it would be a while before Gabriel would leave the house. When Brant shut the door, Ashton looked up to him and put a finger over his lips.

"Gabriel already got after Klara for being too loud and then went up to the bathroom. I guess he is washing up or sleeping," Ashton whispered.

Klara whipped her head up and began announcing her opinion, but Ashon quickly forced her head back down, "Down girl, down."

Klara let out a low growl but didn't try to fight being pushed onto the floor. Ashton explained this was the only way she would be quiet as the carpet muffled any other noise she made. Brant slowly nodded and went upstairs. All of his bags had already been moved into one of the bedrooms, in the same room was Gabriel's bags. Gabriel was still nowhere to be seen but Brant didn't care as he flopped down onto on of the beds in the room. It wasn't the fluffiest or most comfortable, but it was far better than sleeping on broken floorboards and rocks.

After a few minutes Brant got up and got the booklet from his bag, he read over Tamara's and Mila's pages. After he finished he placed the booklet on his bag and went back downstairs where he found Klara still face down on the carpet and Ashton still sitting there but they both seemed to have dozed off. Brant found a couple blankets and placed them over the two.

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