Chapter 1

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The world was ending, but not how we are normally told it will. There was no fire and brimstone, not screams of the innocent, no natural disasters. Only the panic of trying to outrun the ones who purposely brought this on all of mankind. The ones who claimed this was the only fair way to do things and gathered all those who were "unworthy" of living. However, it was never said what made someone worthy of living.

Many believed it was the famous or rich because the first group of people to be exterminated were the homeless and unknown. For months the streets slowly became empty of any loving human and were instead filled with swat teams and heartless men. Surely these men that collected those who were "unworthy" didn't realized they would to be labeled "unworthy" once their tasks were complete. It is such a shame this story doesn't follow someone who did awful things and then paid for his crimes by becoming equivalent to cattle bred for death.

No, this story follows a much simpler group of people who were determined enough to try and escape the mess that society had become. These people weren't the best, not all of them had to do this, but they all wanted people to be allowed to live on in their own time. Maybe, just maybe, you can see what they did and appreciate it. They did this for you, to make sure you lived on. They are almost the veterans who spent years training and fighting for you. However, they aren't. They risked their lives, but not all of them willingly did so and most were forced to see awful sights of loved ones and strangers dying in horrible ways.

However, you know the saying, the young are the future. In this case it was the young and the middle aged. If only they didn't need to face something this awful. Being treated like cattle, being bred, being chosen based on a faulty test, and being forced away from family. Would you want this? I bet not, who would. They sure didn't but they lived with it and moved on. This is the story of heroes who didn't have superpowers, but a will and determination. They didn't save much, but they stuck up for their beliefs and isn't that what a hero truly is?

Escaping the EndHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin