Chapter 24

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Kotone pushed one branch after the next out of the way. The forests were so immensely dense, but she knew once they were out it would be all barren prairie. This fact didn't excite Kotone in the least, last time the conditions were like that she actually passed out from heat exhaustion. However, it would just mean they were getting closer and closer to those who said they would build up their own society. One kinder than the Governors.

Kotone believed that it could be achieved, that's why she had forced herself into such deadly situations to save those lives. If she didn't actually believe that some good would come of it, she would still be hauled up in the sanctuary living in luxury. That's when the question hit Kotone, what if the worthy weren't actually willing to be told exactly how to live, but were too scared of death to do anything? What would the Governor do when, eventually, a defiant child was born into his "perfect" society and destroyed everything he had built up?

She nearly laughed at the knowledge that one day, one day, this would end. It only takes one little spark to start a fire, one person could be strong enough to face against the Governor one day. Kotone wished it could be her, this group she was with but she knew they were not nearly strong enough for that. Someone raised in luxury with everything at their fingertips had power, they were still trying to scrape by with little food, water, and through exhaustion.

Kotone quickly pushed such thoughts from her mind, "I can't do anything if I let myself live in a delusional dream," she muttered beneath her breath.

"Did you say something?" Fionn inquired, worried about Kotone's health.

She just shook her head, "I'm fine, man you really like to worry don't ya?"

Fionn just shrugged and they continued to move on in complete silence. Even the environment around them seemed to lack any sort of sound. Just desolite silence. No wind, no birds, no anything. Kotone stopped and looked around for a couple of minutes, she knew something was off, but heavens knew what it actually was.

Mila put her hand on Kotone's shoulder, "You okay? What is it?" she asked quietly.

Kotone watched the path ahead of her as Klara came into view. Everyone else also crowded around Kotone, but they all stayed behind her.

"You know Ms. Pasternak asked you a question right? Do we need to take a break, you look really tired," Klara commented bluntly.

Kotone knew she wasn't trying to be rude, but she couldn't help but feel annoyed with Klara, "Look kid, I heard her just fine. I just-"

"You weren't in a high class were you? You look so dignified that I thought you would have been. My mother always told me, no matter how you feel, you must respond when talked to. I guess that was only the wealthy though. How easy you must have had it," Klara blabbed before quickly darting behind the other adults.

Kotone couldn't do anything but respond, it's not like she could hurt Klara with everyone right there, "Yes, working our entire lives to live somewhat comfortably was so easy," she snarled.

The next one to speak up was Mila, "Kotone, I think she meant in terms of being human. The wealthy were always held on a pedestal but this meant they had to be careful with every little thing they did, said, and thought."

Klara nodded in agreement with Mila, but Kotone just growled. Klara looked up to Mila, "We should rest for a little while, Kotone needs it."

Kotone was grateful that Klara was trying to look out for her, but the kid just didn't know when to keep her mouth shut. She had liked it better when Klara had been quiet, obedient, and a little more reigned in, not that she could turn back the clock. Kotone sat down with her back against a tall tree and dreamed about the past. The tree was just a little ways from the rest of the group, she had needed peace and quiet after all.

"Kotone, Kotone!" Klara's soft voice called, "You are really bad at responding to people, at least open your eyes!"

Kotone glared at Klara who was beaming back at her, "What do you want now kid? Can't you just leave me alone?"

Klara shook her head, "Nope, I can't and you remind me a lot of my mother talking like that," She held out he small hands, "Here, Ashton said these are eatable so I thought I would bring you some."

Kotone look suspiciously at Klara and then at her open palms, "You sure these are safe?" she questioned.

Klara nodded, "I had a couple already, they taste like blackberries to me."

Kotone took one and carefully bit into it, it was bitter but refreshing after everything that had happened. As Kotone ate, Klara plopped down right next to her and just sat there quietly. Kotone looked over to see what was wrong, but Klara still had a bright smile on her face even as she looked at the ground.

Kotone tried not to ask, but after several minutes she just could resist the urge anymore, "Why are you so happy? You do realize your loved ones are dead and we are being hunted down right this very minute right?"

Klara smiled even more, "I know, but for me it's kind of fun being able to explore our country with such lovely people."

"Are you an idiot?" Kotone asked completely lost in her confusion.

Klara's smile got bigger yet, "No, but what good will it do us to always look on the gloomy past. We are still alive aren't we? There are other like us too aren't there? Then, protecting each other and what we still have is more important than what we have all sacrificed," her smiled dimmed a bit and she got quiet, "Or what others have sacrificed for us... It would be insulting them."

Kotone's eyes widened as she realised just how smart Klara had been the whole time. She smiled brightly and was vibrant since she got back, it had undoubtedly raised everyone's spirits even if it was just a little. Even Ashton, the king of gloom himself, had been more cheerful with Klara around.

Kotone opened her mouth to speak but there was a loud gunshot from nearby. Kotone and Klara both jumped at the sound but Klara suffered more from dread. Kotone watched as the bright smile fell and all the color drained right out of Klara's face. Without a second thought, Kotone grabbed Klara and booked back to the others who had already been gathering their things in a rush. Another gunshot rang out along with the awful cracking of the speakers sound. Then there was silence with the exception of the packing noises. Without waiting for any voice to fill the air or for another bullet to be shot, everyone ran.

Escaping the EndOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant