"Change and get down. We'll drive you home," the boys and I turn back towards the stairs and then later the car as Harry quickly slips on his attire and follows us clumsily. Once we enter the vehicle, questions flood from his mouth and ours.

"How did Selena know I was here?" he sits in the back with Zayn and Niall as Liam sits in the front with me.

"Who knows?" Zayn shrugs.

"Apparently she called and I called back," Harry squints at his phone screen with no memory whatsoever. 

"I never picked up or called," he scrunches his face up in utter confusion.

"Maybe the brunette girl did," Niall raises an eyebrow, providing a logical explanation for us.

"That would explain a lot," I nod as Harry shuts his eyes.


"Yeah, you are a little shit," Liam huffs next to me, making me widen my eyes and grin uncontrollably.

"Liam! Nice!" my accent rings out in the car, proud to witness a moment where he stood up for himself.

"If you want Selena to be your girl, she has to be the only girl," Liam folds his arm across his chest when Harry simply scoffs at the comment, "She's better with Tyler anyway."

"Are you trying to provoke me to beat the shit out of you?" Harry almost growls as Niall and Zayn hold him down against his seat belt.

"You can't even punch now. Your movements are still sluggish from the amount of alcohol you consumed," Liam smugly replies.

"You want to bet?" his anger is evident in his slightly pink face, partially tinted due to his fury and also the fact he had so much alcohol in his system still.  

"Cut it out," Niall mumbles. 

Boys will be boys, but I guess that's just who we are. 

Selena's POV: 

"So, he was with another girl?" Danielle questions, making sure she interpreted the story correctly. Right now, I sit at a small table with Eleanor, her, and Tyler, the four of us hunched over a tray of chili fries. We ordered pastrimi sandwiches and are now sharing the snack. 

"Yeah. They uh shagged," I sip on my strawberry milkshake, slightly disturbed by the thought. After angrily telling Louis to pick up Harry's sorry ass, I went home to change and meet up with the three. Dylan is still away and not home, so we decided to just talk about what's been going on in our lives. Danielle informs us about earning the title of dance captain and we are so proud and happy for her. Eleanor and Louis are in a secret relationship temporarily; they hope to be public soon just after she brings him to meet his parents which sounds completely nervewracking and shocking for the two. 

"You must really like him," Tyler comments as I choke on my drink.


"That's why you're so bothered about it. You're jealous he was touching another girl," he observes as I slightly blush and ignore his words.


"Yes," Tyler smirks knowingly, "You know, if you want to make him jealous back, I'll volunteer."

"I'm not going to toy with your feelings," I tell him matter-of-factly. There's no way I'd manipulate someone like that.

"I really don't mind Sel," he nudges me but I shake my head persistently.

"No way," I emphasize, "I'm not that kind of person."

"Even if I'm really cute and hot?" he jokes and I chuckle.

Teenage Dirtbag ✖ ((Harry Styles/Selena Gomez))Where stories live. Discover now