| Introduction |

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My name is Candace Sweets. When I was 15 my so called "parents" threw me out of the country and shipped me off to a private boarding school – that my Grandfather owned – in England. After spending my sophomore and junior year in that country everything change. From my clothing to my attitude. From my hair to my tattoos.  I became the complete opposite of my past preppy self.  I became quite a badass if I do say so my self.

The boarding school was owned by my maternal family dating back to medival times. Hence that will explain why it looks like a castle. It was tranformed into a school for nobles, aristocrats and rich merchants in the 1600's. As you may or may not have guessed I have the blood of royalty and nobilty coursing through my veins, that will explain why we own a school like this. It still an exclusive school for the rich and noble that is the only thing that did not change throughout the century.

In the boarding school I lived in a private mansion that is located next to the 'other' students' dorm. Despite of being sent to a private boarding school, my Grandfather – the owner – has always doted on me. With that being said he doesn't want me to stay in a 'shabby' room that I have to share with someone, Instead I was placed on a mansion with servants that will satisfy my needs. 

Upon my arrival to this school I have made quite a few friends and som-- many enemies. But that didn't stop me from doing whatever I want. I was given a chance by the heavens to live my life to however I want it to be without being cautious about my parents  breathing down my neck.  And ever since I've arrived never once have thought coming back to that wretched place.

I loved my new life here. Racing my expensive cars. Drinking and partying till the sun rise. Doing what teenagers do. Being reckless as fuck.

Until he came.

It was fun at first then it became more dangerous and suffocating by the minute.

He ruined everything. I regret ever meeting him. I regret that night we met. I wish I could turn back time so that I can kill himself. He made a monster.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by someone calling my name."Ms. Candace.."

"What?" I asked in a bored tone. Even though I am completely uninterested to whatever he wants to say, nonetheless I still asked. It's kind of a habit that I have had adapted during the years that I spent here. I was actually not particularly busy at the moment –  I was just laying on my back in my king sized bed wearing nothing but my laced black lingerie that exposed my tattooed body looking at the black victorian styled roof. My onced long golden blonde haired that I dyed in midnight black are sprawled all over my face as I turn to Edward, my personal bultler. He was standing 10 meters away from me at my right side by the open double door.

"I--It's--"His stammering. I hate it when people do that, so I glared at him with my sapphire blue eyes.

"What Is It? Spit It Out You Sound Like A Fool" I basically demanded him in a very loud voice laced with my british accent. The accent that seems to stick to me ever since I was young.

"M--Ms You're--"Again! Why can't he speak normally. I know he can do it I heard him yapping about with the maids yesterday on how I destroyed the music room.

" For fuck sake Sebasti---- " I was shocked by the guy who came out from behind Sebastian. Considering that he is the size of the Hulk its not surprising that an ordinary mascular built guy can hide behind him. But that fact was not the real reason I'm this shock. It because of who that man is. The guy that I have not seen for two years. Same dirty blonde hair. Same baby blue eyes. Same stupid soft smile that makes you think he was an angel when his literally a demon. "What are you doing here?"

"Is that how you treat your  twin brother that you didn't see for two years?" My twin fucking brother. We both have the same features yet mine is more soft and more defined and his are sharp and prominent. What I thank God for was we differ are hairs and are eyes in terms of shade. Nonetheless we still look like we are the other version of one anotger. It's like I'm looking at a mirror that allows you to see the guy version of you.

"Like I would treat you as my brother after that stunt you pulled THAT LANDED ME IN THIS PLACE--" He was the one who's responsible for all that happened to me for the past two years. If it weren't for him I would be... argh.

"Leave us." he said dismissing the butler and the maids that I totally ignored that was there. As Sebastian left and the maids shut the door, I stared at my brother who approched my satin black bed.

"What do you want Cammeron?" I asked cautiously.

"I see that your doing well Candace. Nice tattoo by the way.I see that you've been busy." He said looking around the room the glancing at me examining my changes.

I got up from my bed and walked to the double door besides my bed, which was my walk in closet."Get straight to the point." I said inside the room because I don't have time for idle talk. As I was debating on which blouse I should wear he answered with the news that I have already predicted from the very start when I saw him at my bedroom doorway.

"Father instructed me to bring you back home." Of course. Typical of Father to send my twin brother to me.

At that moment, I knew that my vacation had ended. That everything will have to go back to the way it is. That my little 'vacation' is over. I knew that I will have to go back to my golden cage.

Oh well at least I can get away from him. Because at the very least it's better to deal with the monsters at L.A. than be stuck with him.

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