"People are just going to buy us stuff?" Ashton asked.

"I guess so, I've never had a baby before," Maddy laughed. "That's what my moms told me, though."

"I'll never say no to free stuff."



"Okay, wait. Look at these!" Maddy held up a pair of tiny socks to show Ashton.

"I thought we weren't buying clothes yet?"

"We're not, I'm just showing you the tiny socks. Look how small they are!"

"They are extremely small," Ashton laughed. "I love them."

"We should buy them, they're just plain white, so it doesn't matter." Maddy pleaded.

"Has anyone ever told you that you might have a shopping addiction?"


"Baby, we can buy socks literally anytime. We're supposed to be focusing on the big picture type things today."

"Fine," Maddy groaned, placing the socks back on the shelf. "Let's go look at like, cribs or whatever."

Ashton laughed as he followed her through the aisles of Target to the furniture section. They stood and looked at cribs and dressers and changing tables for what felt like forever, until they finally picked the ones that they wanted and registered for them. They decided to get all black furniture that they could later highlight with some colors.

"Is all of this going to fit into your room with all of your stuff?" Ashton asked.

"I hope so," Maddy said. "We might have to move stuff around a little bit, though."


"Nope, we need to have separate rooms."

Ashton sighed. "Alright, baby. Whatever you say."

"I'm going to sleep in my room tonight."

"Sure you are," he told her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "You think we're just about done here?"

"I think we are completely done, actually. We registered for everything on the list."

"Perfect, should we go get lunch then?"

"Oh god, yes please."

Ashton and Maddy went to lunch at a small restaurant nearby. Towards the end of their meal, they ended up talking about what the baby shower might consist of.

"So will I be there, or is it more of a girl thing?" Ashton asked.

"No, you'll be there. I want you there." Maddy told him.

"I really want it to be a whole big thing," he said. "Like, everyone we know should be there."

"Okay," Maddy laughed. "We can probably make that happen. I'll tell Talia and my parents."

"Hey, do you think that they would let my mom help out with that stuff? I know it's something that she would enjoy doing."

"Absolutely, I would love for her to be involved," Maddy smiled. "You know, she called me last night."

"She did?"

"Yeah, she was asking about the turnip. And she said she wants to come see us sometime soon."

"Really? She hasn't come into the city in awhile." Ashton noted.

"She told me that. But she said she wants to see us and bring Lauren and Harry maybe over Christmas."

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