part two

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"wow, it's really loud in here!" maddy yelled over the body-shaking music of the club.

"yeah, i'm sorry mads. i didn't realize it would be this bad." her friend who had brought her-- ben was his name-- replied.

"it's okay. i'm just going to run to the restroom for a few minutes. i'll be back."

maddy didn't wait for a reply from ben, she probably wouldn't have been able to hear him anyway. the pair had been best friends for twenty years, which means they'd been best friends their entire lives. their mothers were best friends in their junior year of high school, mainly because they were the only two pregnant girls at school. the fathers of the babies didn't want any part of the ordeal, so the soon-to-be mothers decided they would work together to raise the babies, practically as siblings. and that's what ben and maddy were. they'd lived together their entire lives, even after they graduated high school themselves and began renting an apartment together.

ever since the two turned eighteen (maddy's birthday being only sixteen days after ben's) and they bought their first set of fake id's, ben had been trying to find the "perfect club". he always dragged maddy along on his quests. he had yet to succeed.

once maddy made it to the dingy bathrooms of the dingier club, she pulled the pair of black heels from her feet with a heavy sigh. she and ben had made a pact to always dress up for the clubs "just in case". it was much harder for maddy, she had to wear itchy, too-short dresses and uncomfortable, too-high heels and she had only had a few "just in case"es. ben, on the other hand, got to wear nice, flat shoes with jeans and a nice shirt. and he almost always got a girl. maddy didn't find it fair, but then again she had a higher set of standards for her hook-ups than ben did.

"hey there," maddy's head snapped up and her eyes met those of a curly-haired boy. she quickly looked around her and, yes, she was definitely in the girl's restroom.

"um, what are you doing in here?" she asked, slowly.

"oh, there were people having sex all over the men's room, but i really had to piss, so here i am."

"alright. i mean, that makes sense."


it was silent for a few moments, maddy shifting quickly from foot-to-foot trying to regain feeling in her heels while the boy watched her.

"so," maddy said, awkwardly. "what's your name?"

"ashton," he smiled. "yours?"


"that's a pretty name."

"uh, thank you. yours too." she added.

ashton laughed. and not quietly, or shyly, a full on laugh. such a loud and ridiculous laugh that it made maddy blush darker than the pink make-up on her cheekbones.

"i- sorry that sounded really weird." she stuttered. "um, i-i just meant that it's a nice name. and that it suits you."

"well, thanks. your name suits you too."

"thanks." she mumbled and ashton laughed again. "you've got a really loud laugh, did you know that?"

"i've been told a few times, yeah." he giggled.

"right, well it's true."

"okay." he replied simply, taking a step forward, towards maddy.


and suddenly, maddy's face was in ashton's hands, her fingers in his hair and their lips and bodies pressed against each others.

both sets of hands and both sets of lips were roaming. maddy was glad to be wearing a just-in-case dress and just-in-case undergarments.

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