part eighteen

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I would say that about the first quarter of this is edited. It's a long one, buckle up kiddos. Why did I say that? It's 1:30am don't mind me, just enjoy my book pls


"I can't believe you're replacing me!" Calum cried. He was facetiming Ashton and Maddy, and they had just told him the news that Maddy would be moving into the apartment.

"You replaced me with Jill." Ashton pointed out.

"That's different." Calum pouted. Maddy laughed.


"Well, Jill isn't living in your bedroom."

Maddy turned to Ashton. "He's not wrong."

"Please don't encourage him," he said, rolling his eyes. He looked back at his phone screen to address Calum again. "I miss you."

"I miss you too! But you're never going to miss me anymore once Maddy moves in."

"Calum," Maddy said. "He talks to me about you nonstop, he will never stop missing you."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Okay." Calum finally said.

"Cal, we've got to go." Ashton said after a few more minutes of talking.

"What? Why?"

"I have a doctor's appointment in just a little bit," Maddy told him. "We have to check on the avocado."

"Let me know how it goes?"

"We will. Tell Jill that we say hi, please." She requested.

"Will do, talk to you all later. Bye."

They hung up and Ashton and Maddy headed out of the apartment. Ashton held Maddy's hand as they reached the stairs and grumbled about talking to the building owner about the elevator, again. He was always so worried about her potentially hurting herself on the stairs. She constantly assured him that she was fine, but that didn't stop him from always helping her.

"So," Ashton said. "Did I tell you what I did yesterday on my break?"

"No, what was it?"

"I went and got my driving permit."

"You did?"

"Yeah, so now you can start teaching me how to drive."

"I definitely can. Maybe we can go somewhere for a little bit after the doctor. An empty parking lot somewhere. That's probably the best place to start."

"That sounds perfect, baby."


A little while later at the doctor, Maddy had just returned from having her weight and things checked.

"I was talking to the nurse and she asked if we were going to find out the sex of the baby when we could," Maddy said as she sat down. "And she asked what we wanted it to be. I thought that was weird. Like, there's a fifty-fifty chance and you're kind of just setting yourself up for disappointment if you're actively hoping for it to be one or the other."

Ashton nodded. "And it's not like I have a preference either way. I'm just happy that we're having a baby."

Maddy agreed. "Although, actually..."


"When I first thought that I might be pregnant, Talia and I went to the mall and I bought the cutest little dress. And I would seriously love to put our baby in that dress. But I guess I could either way."

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