part seventeen

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This actually is edited!! But that doesn't mean I didn't miss something lmao


"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" Maddy called to the four boys who were continuously struggling up and down the stairs.

"No," Ashton told her. "You'll hurt yourself."

"Well, I don't think I'll-"

"Yes, you will. Just sit there and chill out." Maddy rolled her eyes, but reluctantly agreed.

Maddy was sitting on the couch in Ashton's apartment, scrolling lazily through her social media feeds. The boys were working on moving Calum out of the apartment and into Jill's, a decision the two had made about a week previously. But the elevator in the building was still broken, so they were carrying boxes down the stairs and Maddy wanted to help, but they wouldn't let her. It was probably for the best, but she was beginning to get annoyed at their complaining.

Around half an hour later, they had finally gotten all of the boxes down to the moving truck that Calum had rented for the afternoon. As the four boys stood around the more empty living room, Maddy noticed the suddenly gloomy atmosphere. She decided to excuse herself, lying and saying she had left something in her car so that the boys could be alone for a little bit. This was obviously a big and difficult milestone for them.

When she returned a few minutes later, they were all sniffling lightly, and Calum and Ashton were clearly having a moment. Ashton said something before hugging him tightly. Eventually, Calum left, followed by Michael and Luke who were helping him move his stuff into Jill's. Ashton was staying at his apartment with Maddy.

As the apartment emptied, Ashton joined Maddy on his couch with a heavy sigh. Maddy opened her arms, allowing him to collapse into them.

"I'm going to miss him so much." He mumbled.

Maddy laughed quietly. "Ash, he only moved like two blocks away. I live farther than that and you still see me all the time."

"Well he used to live about two feet away," Ashton whined. "You're going to have to be here all the time now to keep me company."

"I already am here all the time," Maddy giggled. "My apartment always has my brother and my best friend being together, so..."

"So, they're actually together?"

"They are," Maddy sighed. "I guess I'm starting to get used to it, but at the same time I don't know if I'll ever fully be used to it."

"Well, that's why you're always welcome over here." Ashton smiled.

"Why do you think I'm always here?" Maddy joked and he gaped at her.

"I thought it was because you liked me!"

"I mean, I guess that's part of it." Maddy shrugged casually.

"You are the worst," Ashton said, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in for a kiss. "You know what?"


"You should just move in with me?"

"What?" Maddy repeated. "Ashton-"

"No, okay hear me out. Not because we're dating, but because of the baby. You can move into Calum's room and that way, when the baby gets here, we can both be here all the time."

Maddy pressed her teeth against her bottom lip as she stared at him. It made sense and she knew that she wanted for Ashton to be close by when the baby was born. It would definitely be easier, but she hadn't considered this option before. She also knew that living with Ben once the baby was there wouldn't be fair. He always said that he wanted to help out, but Maddy knew she couldn't ask him to do it all the time.

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