Chapter 5

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The sudden sound of the gates opening breaks them out of their moment. "Shit!" Cheryl cried. "You have to go!" Toni was disappointed. She didn't want to leave yet. She could stare at the beauty forever. Amongst other things. "What are you doing tonight?" Toni asked quickly.

"I'm sorry we can't hang out. Reggie's taking me to the drive in." Cheryl replied with a frown. "But what abou—" "I'm sorry, you have to go!" Cheryl whispered suddenly shutting the window. Toni noticed the car coming through the gates so she bolted toward the wall, climbing over.

Toni laid back on her bed staring up at the ceiling. It was evening. Today had been interesting. She couldn't stop thinking of the kiss she had with Cheryl in the woods and the look she gave her from the window. She missed the feeling of the girl's soft lips pressed against her own.

From her grandfather's room Toni could hear Sweetpea blasting Fell For You by Greenday. They were his favorite band. Toni laughed when she could hear him singing along poorly to the music. He showed up in the doorway wearing a towel. Droplets of water running down his body from the shower.

"Uh uh. Nope." Sweetpea said looking at Toni in disapproval. "What?" Toni asked confused. "You're not laying here all day Romeo. We're going out tonight." He replied. Toni sat up in curiosity. "Where are we going to go? It's not like they have much to do here." Toni huffed. "Kevin texted me and said that the drive in is showing an A Haunting."

Toni was surprised by this. Sweetpea was terrified of scary movies. "You want to see The Haunting?" Sweetpea looked at her as though she were speaking an unknown language. "Well duh. Midge is going to be there, so we're going." He smiled. Toni's stomach dropped.

She had suddenly remembered something. Reggie was taking Cheryl to the Drive In. She'd get to see her. This made her happy. But her heart had quickly sank at the idea of them getting handsy in a car. She couldn't stand to see him touch her. Also, the guy was an asshole. He treated her like garbage.

"I don't know Sweets. I don't really want to—" "'re my best friend. You're the reason why I became so confident when it came to talking to girls." He admitted. This surprised Toni, but warmed her heart at the same time. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah, now get ready. We're meeting Kevin and the others there."

Toni chuckled, taking a deep breath before stumbling to her feet. Sure Cheryl was going to be there and she didn't want to go. But maybe she wouldn't see them. She was going to have a good time.

They pulled into the Twilight Drive In seeing a row of cars. Silhouettes moved through each of the windows. They had eventually found a spot next to Kevin's pick up truck. Kevin, Fangs, and Midge were already sitting in the trunk. "Hey guys! Get your asses over here!" Kevin yelled. Sweetpea and Toni made their way over to the trunk climbing in.

Teens and young adults walked along the pathway to grab food and use the restroom. The movie hadn't started yet so there was an old song playing from the speakers. Toni instantly recognized it. It was Sleepwalk by Ritchie Valens. The place was packed.

"Hey..." Sweetpea greeted looking at Midge. "Hey Sweetpea..." She said almost inaudibly. The two gazed deep into each other's eyes. "I'm glad you could make it. Both of you guys." She said looking at both Toni and Sweetpea but more so talking to Sweetpea.

As they waited for the movie to start, Toni looked up at the sky. It was sprinkled with stars. A part of her wanted to share this moment with someone else. However, she was happy to be have met such amazing friends. She looked over at them laughing and enjoying themselves. Kevin fed Fangs a fry as he bit the other side. They laughed sharing a kiss.

Sweetpea was telling Midge some of the corny jokes he had told Toni a hundred times, but Toni thought it was adorable. Midge was amused. Toni hadn't seen Sweetpea this happy in a long time. Toni couldn't help but scan the area hoping to spot a certain redhead. She couldn't find her.

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