Chapter 3

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By now the kiss had deepened and became even more heated. Toni had Cheryl against the wall and Cheryl had her legs wrapped around Toni's waist. Toni could feel heat between her legs. She needed more.

"Stay the night." Toni said breathlessly. A devious smirk appeared on Cheryl's lips. She lowered herself from the girl, moving away from her. "Oh Cha Cha, you know my boyfriend wouldn't like that." Cheryl replied teasingly. "I don't give a shit about what he likes" Toni answered trying to regain her composure.

Cheryl laughed at the girl's response. "Horny aren't we?" Toni rolled her eyes. This girl was very prideful. She liked that but didn't want her to think that she was desperate. "Obviously you are two or you wouldn't have came over. After all, you barely know me Bombshell." Toni teased.

Now it was Cheryl's turn to blush. "I came over to tell you to stop being creepy. What just happened was clearly a mistake. I'm only into boys." Cheryl huffed. Toni let out a chuckle. But she was disappointed to hear this. "Ahhhh So you're a straight girl that comes into other girl's houses and makes out with them for kicks?" Toni asked amusingly.

Cheryl rolls her eyes. "Whatever! My boyfriend is on the football team!" Cheryl shouted randomly. Toni smirked at her desperate attempt to erase what had just happened. Toni stepped forward until she was only a few inches away from the girl. By now Cheryl's back was against the door. "Oh yeah?" Toni asked.

Cheryl's breath hitched. Her eyes filled with need. Toni leaned in to Cheryl's ear. "And I'm in a gang. Want to see my tattoo?" She whispered. There was a moment of silence. Finally Cheryl was the one to break it with a laugh. "As if loser. Now move!" Cheryl shouted moving passed her and storming out of the house.

Toni watched her leave wearing a smirk. "Come by again if you ever want to make out!" Toni shouted amusingly. Cheryl didn't even turn around. She flipped her off. This caused Toni to chuckle. This girl was going to be a handful, but Toni knew that she was worth it.

It was 2 in the morning. Sweet Pea and Toni had been binging game of thrones. When they finally made it through about two seasons Toni's phone buzzed. It was a text from Kevin (who she had met through Fangs) inviting her to a party at Sweetwater River. It had already started and was supposed to end at sunrise.

"Hey sweets? There's a party at Sweetwater river. Want to hit it up?" Toni asked. Sweetpea scoffed. "Why would I want to party with a bunch of snobby Northsiders?" Sweet Pea asked. Toni made a pouty face. "Uh uh. Nope! Not going to happen." Sweet Pea replied.

"Oh come on Sweets. It will be fun! Besides you hate the Northside and you came over here anyway. May as well live it up." Toni said hoping he'd say yes. Sweet Pea quirked an eyebrow. "You have a point Topaz."

When they pulled up to Sweetwater river the party was in full capacity. Low by Jon Bellion blasted through speakers. The area was loaded with high school seniors and juniors. Some were obviously college students. The smell Alcohol and weed filled the air. A bonfire crackled in the center of the lakefront.

"This is my kind of party." Toni commented as she and Sweetpea made their way down. Some people were dancing in pick up truck trunks, while others danced elsewhere and made out. "Toni! Sweetpea! Get your asses over here!" Toni heard a familiar voice yell.

She followed it seeing Kevin dancing against Fangs motioning for them to come over. "You made it!" He pulled them both into a hug. They talked for a while. They soon danced with some of  the people at the party. Kevin introduced both of them to Midge who Sweetpea obviously had a crush on.

Toni's heart rate picked up when she saw Cheryl grinding against Reggie to the music. Reggie ran his hands all over her body. This irked Toni. Cheryl made eye contact with Toni instantly seeing her staring. Cheryl gave her a
a devilish grin turning around and kissing Reggie. Toni scoffed looking away.

Kevin, Fangs, Toni, Midge, some others were sitting around the bonfire. Toni takes a sip of alcohol. "Truth or Dare anyone?" Midge suggested. "Oooh! I'm in!" Toni replied. The others sounded in response. "Not without moi you won't!" Cheryl called making her way over holding hands with Reggie.

"Great...she brought that tool along." Toni mumbled to herself. Sweetpea smirked hearing what she said. "Don't worry Topaz. It's only a matter of time." He whispered placing a sympathetic hand on her arm.

Cheryl and Reggie take a seat across from the fire. Toni and Cheryl made eye contact. The flames from the fire illuminated Cheryl's pale face giving it a haunting glow. "I'll go first! Midge, truth or dare?" Kevin asked. "Dare" Midge replied proudly. "Make out with anyone playing.

Midge looked around the circle until her eyes landed on a sporty looking blonde girl. She smiled at her inviting her in for a kiss which eventually turned into a full on make out. Whoops and cheers were made throughout the circle. Some people that weren't even playing cheered as well.

Midge whispered something in the girl's ear handing her a small piece of paper and returning to her spot. "Just curious, why didn't anyone invite Archie and the others?" Reggie asked. Kevin looked at him as if he were a moron. "I hardly know them." Kevin replied.

"I don't think anyone wants the core bore here Baby." Cheryl laughed. "Unless I'm wrong?" Cheryl looked around the circle and no one said a word. "I can't believe some people call them the core four anyway." Kevin added. "I don't talk to them either." A girl commented. "Clearly we're the core four." Kevin said pointing to himself Cheryl, Toni, and Midge. Sweetpea looked slightly offended.

Toni smiled giving him a sympathetic shoulder rub. The whole circle laughed.  They continued playing their game. There were lap dances, kisses, some were stripped down to their underwear. Sweetpea had even made out with one of the guys on the football team. Soon it was Toni's turn. Sweetpea has even ended up giving Kevin a hickey. "Alright Toni, truth or dare?" Sweetpea asked. "Dare." Toni answered feeling bold.

"Seven in minutes in heaven  with the woods." Toni felt her body go cold. She couldn't believe that this was happened. She looked at Sweetpea who gave her a wink. "As if! Pick someone else Southside scum!" Cheryl hissed. Sweetpea laughed at her insult which pissed her off even more. "Sorry Cheryl. If you don't do it, it's an automatic disqualification." Kevin replied.

There was a long moment of silence. Toni could feel her palms getting sweaty. It wasn't from the fire. She locked eyes with Cheryl. "Fine." Cheryl replied. "Follow me Cha Cha." Toni smirked following the girl into the woods as she heard a few ooos and aaas from the people playing.

The Moonlight casted an eerie glow on Cheryl's hair. They were silent as they made their way deeper into the woods. It was Toni that finally spoke. "Damn Bombshell. How far are you taking me?" Toni asked smugly. "Maybe we should go back to my place if you're—" "Shut up!" Cheryl hissed suddenly stopping and walking toward a tree. Toni followed her to the tree.

Cheryl leaned against the tree glaring harshly at her. Toni wasn't going to let her intimidate her. They could still hear the music faintly. Scared Tonight by Copperpot blared in the background. "So....are you going to stare at me like that for the whole seven minutes?" Toni asked.

"Listen, I get it if you don't want to dmmm—" Toni was cut off by Cheryl placing a finger on her lips. A lascivious look on Cheryl's face. She was confused. It was as if Cheryl's mood had suddenly changed. She went from annoyed to horny. Toni was turned on and confused.

"Sssshhh Cha Cha. Stop talking." Cheryl whispered lowering her finger and pulling her in for a kiss. Toni didn't need to be told twice. She picked up the girl leaning her against the tree. The kiss had become heated. Toni moved her hands to the redhead's ass giving it a light squeeze. Cheryl let out a moan.

Their tongues fought for dominance. Toni loved the way Cheryl tasted. Like
Cherries. Toni began grinding against the girl. The noises Cheryl made Toni wet. Her core was throbbing. "Toni had began kissing and sucking on the girl's neck moving lower "F-Fuck T-Toni...I—" "Time's up!" A voice shouted from the distance interrupting their moment. "Shit!" Toni cursed.

They pulled away from each other. Cheryl's lipstick was smeared and some of it had gotten on Toni's face. "Damn Bombshell..." Toni said biting her lip. Cheryl was breathless. But she began fixing her hair and clothes. Soon her usual scowl was back. "You better not start stalking me Queen of the Buskers." Cheryl hissed strutting away. Toni couldn't help but stare at her ass and the way she swayed her hips. Cheryl had a body out of this world.

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