1 - Definition

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Ok so first of all, to be a bad bitch you have to know what it means. There are many types of bitches but I ain't got no time to teach you all of them so here are the most popular and commonly seen:

Crazy Bitches - these are the kind of bitches who are literally crazy, they're like obsessed with their boyfriends and shit and don't let any bitch come near them and are like super controling and overprotective (NFFA: yeah I still agree with this one, toxic behaviour, please don't be in any type of relationship if you're gonna be like this)

Fake Bitches - the worst type of bitch, these are the bitches that pretend to be everyone's friend, and always smile and are always nice and shit when really all they do is spread rumors and talk shit behind everyone's back (NFFA: also still agree with, like there's a difference between not liking someone due to their shitty character and just bad-mouthing someone for no reason, don't do that)

Basic Bitches - this is the most common type of bitch, like, you can literally find them anywhere, these bitches are the ones who think they're awesome and amazing and everyone likes them and is jealous of them, and think they're the shit when they're really not (NFFA: idk I don't like this statement, there's nothing wrong with being "basic", you like what you like and if what you like is popular or mainstream then that's alr too, you do you boo, also I can't praise confidence and then criticise people who are confident, kinda hypocritical right)

And Bad Bitches are strong and independent females, who know what they want and exactly how to get it,  always on fleek and slayin' the game (NFFA: the word "females" triggers my fight or flight response now, also not the aave.. *sigh*)

B - bomb
A - amazing
D - damn

B - beautiful
I - intelligent
T - talented
C - charming
H - hot

Then there's also hoes, but you wanna stay away from those, and sluts too, don't be a slut, or a cunt, and don't be a whore either, just don't (NFFA: this whole paragraph is just a big no, these mysoginistic slurs were created and continuously used to shame women who are assertive and sexually confident - and there's absolutely nothing wrong with being assertive or sexually confident/active)

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