{III:13} Deception

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I'm dangling over the edge
A fierce cliff, jagged bricks
Love came and so did life
Each to save me from doom

The one offered a hand
The other, a ladder
Yet I took neither
Plunging to death was better

I had been battered by life
Been broken by love
Chased to near madness
By the combination of both

I've been tilted to the very edge
B the one who gave the ladder
Been torn apart piece by piece
By the same hand offered

I've been tilted to the very edge
By the one who gave the ladder
Been torn apart piece by piece
By the same hand offered

In doom's day, I feared
Death, life and love
As I wondered which to choose
A third came, with strong arms

I choose you
Because you were real
Out of all my cruel options
You were real, you were solid

When your hands grabbed mine
Sinister smile spreads across your face
A second before I realise it was too late
Your hands plunge me down to the rocks

But the last thing I see
Before I close my eyes in silent bliss
The last thing I feel
Before I'm dashed against jagged bricks
Is your dull, hard eyes

And how they were full of Deception.

Tophie's Note

Hiya!! How has everyone's week been going??? I hope all's well!!!

Here comes Deception!!!! Or should I say, There goes Deception?!!!
Either way, thanks for sticking with me through this!!! And were getting very, very close to the end. I'm planning on making it a very special one.😍

P.s. I'm still aweing over Taylor Swift's Delicate. The music, the video, is pure bliss. I can't imagine how she's feeling about 'Reputation' cause it doesn't seem happy.
Anyway, if you're a Taylor fan (Swifty) go ahead and check Delicate out!

Is it cool that I said all that
Is it chill that you're in my head
Cause I know that it's Delicate.

Written: 01-April-18
Published: 15-April-18

In Addie Olivia!!

Taylor Swift ~ Delicate
Tophie Star ~ Deception


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