{I:1} Beloved

136 23 21

Dedicated to DebbieHopkins


So now beloved, I implore thee,
Not to ever think of dying for me,
My heart so tender cannot bear
The stinging pain of you not here.

If thou must as in no choice
Leave me be to the other voice,
Then I pray thee beloved,
Take me with you whole-hearted

So that wherever you may be,
There might my heart see,
And not left to wander,
The lonely earths assunder.

Beloved of mine,
No cruelty is greater,
Than thou forsaken me with thine
Heart imprinted thither.

Love is but cruelty,
When thou art not with me in eternity.
So when cold death calls,
With icy fingers claws,

Let us be taken together,
And be as one forever.

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Tophie's Note

Hey people!!!! Happy First 'meeting of words'!

This poem inspired the publishing of 'COW' on Wattpad. Let's all give it a standing ovation.

Who gives a book a standing ovation? Pffft.

Shut up tiny! *laughs nervously*

This part is dedicated to DebbieHopkins for being the awesome one to inspire me into taking that step and publishing this book. Thank you so much Dearie!

Till the next time my Beloved(s)....






Wait for it...


Written: 20-Oct-16

Published: 1-May-17


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