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A loud sound echoed through the area, everyone in the militia already knew what was going on, the Giants had arrived with their leader, Athos. " This isn't looking good, the majority of the militia has been destroyed by the assassins..." Kiya said, looking over at Telence.

" Kiya, who is your master? Can you answer that simple question for me? " Telence said, looking at the rising sun that the Giants blocked out.

" You're my master- "

" No, you're wrong, you are a slave of the law! " Telence shouted, as a large gaping hole suddenly formed in Kiya's neck, causing him to fall to the ground from his horse.

" Bala isn't going to be the same without you..." He sighed, rushing towards Athos on horseback, and away from his encampment, which the majority of his officials had barely woken up at.

As the militia and officials began to walk towards the legions of Giants, they began to feel a depressing truth, the whole ' race ' to Athos was merely a plot designed by Telence to weaken the kingdom. " Ladies and Gentlemen, there is an unclean throne on Mount Olympus, I shall cleanse it and claim it for myself. I shall not allow the hands of fate to be controlled by corrupt rapists..." Telence announced, Athos standing proudly behind him.

The trio had arrived to the scene, and a smirk formed against the prince's face. " All according to plan..." He muttered, gazing upon them.

" Danni, out of everyone here, you are the most pleasant of surprises, I wanted you to survive my assassins the most..." Telence continued, walking towards the boy, only for Jona to stand in front of him.

" Don't lay a hand on him! Brother! " She shouted, charging an energy projectile.

Time had suddenly stopped around Telence, and he walked over to Jona, grabbing her neck and pointing his thumb at her. " To think, had you stayed in your bedroom, you wouldn't have had to perish " He said, firing a yellow projectile from his thumb which pierced through the throat, killing her instantly.

Time resumed, and Jona immediately fell to the ground, off of her horse. Hottan was about to charge towards him, however, Seth grabbed his arm. " Don't try it, you're not ready to face him yet.." He whispered, causing Hottan to look at the Prince in pure anger.

" The reason I've desired you out of everyone else, isn't because of that stupid note, but what exists inside of you..." Telence said, looking down at the boy, who was scared for his life.

" Your mother and father were among the greatest adventurers in the world, and in their quest, they had found one of the greatest and most powerful magic weapons in the known world, and guess where they hid it..." Telence explained, pointing to Dani's chest.

" T-That's impossible...." He said, his eye twitching in horror.

Telence put his hand to the young man's chest, and a golden light began to melt through the armor with ease, and began to burn off the flesh soon after. Danni screamed in agony as his body was being destroyed, but suddenly, the melting stopped as he felt a circular object being pulled out of his body, which had hurt more than the melting process. He let out yet another shriek of pain, coughing blood in the process as he fell to his knees. " Alexandria, The magically enhanced sphere with the ability to bring the user to where they desire the most, and it is in my possession..." Telence declared, smirking.

" All of you already know what I'm going to do now, but just know, I'll return to unite the mortal realm to my newfound kingdom in 3 Years time, so grow stronger my friends..." He finished, walking away from the group with the army of giants.

" Sheno, you know what to do with him..." Athos sighed, walking away with the rest of the army as well as the marched away in victory.

The drilled swordsman walked towards the militia with a smile on his face. " With pleasure..."

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