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Sheno began to walk towards Unasha, one of Telence's most trusted bodyguards. " The thief is most likely male, from what I have deduced so far, I suppose you do some checks around here and see who's missing..." Sheno said coldly, leaning on a wooden pole.

" How did you find out the traitor was a man? " Unasha asked, raising an eyebrow at the swordsman in confusion.

" I looked at the leftover tracks, and from the look of his sandal-tracks, they were those worn by the servants under Telence's command, which are all male as of now " Sheno explained, letting out a sigh.

There had once been a centaur who was the weakest among his tribe, and was mocked severely for his weakness, so, they had exiled him to the far reaches of the ancient world in an attempt to kill him, however, the creature managed to adapt to the new world, and began to massacre his opponents brutally without effort, as this continued, he proclaimed himself to be stronger than Zeus, or any of the Gods for that matter as he began to decimate all who opposed him.

The centaur began to traverse the desolate and burned area of Bala's forest, accompanied by another assassin, who had come from the same clan as the mighty Sheno....

The newfound trio of warriors began to cross a flaming log quickly as they too began to enter the burned forestland. " Why are we keeping him around...he's a danger to our safety..." Jona asked, looking over at Hottan.

" He's still a person...and it's in my nature to protect those I care about..." The Hybrid stated, looking at the sleeping Danni, who had been out cold since the battle with the woman of the intense screech.

However, an arrow was fired at them, covered in mana, it landed in front of the lone horse, and exploded in front of it. " That was a warning shot, the next arrow will not be wasted..." The Centaur Etar said solemnly, walking towards them upon a small hill.

" He has the high ground....we're at the disadvantage..." Jona Thought to herself, looking upward at the duo.

" Hand over the boy, and we'll forget we had ever crossed paths..." He continued, aiming his bow towards the group.

" We're not letting him go..." Hottan proclaimed proudly as he looked upon his opponent, dashing towards him with his sword.

The archer was about to fire from his bow, however, the female beside him intervened and kicked the man away. " This'll be fun! " She said, grinning as she lunged towards him.

The mage, using Hottan's body as a blind spot, began to rapidly fire energy bullets from her finger tips, hoping to overwhelm her opponent with all of the blasts, however, he simply dashed to the right and fired his arrow at her. " You're not going to come near me with any of these arrows obstructing your path, and with me being able to have enough time to anticipate and counter your attacks, everything you do is pointless..." Etar deduced, gazing upon Jona with disgust.

" That may seem so, but you forget I am among the strongest mages in this land! " Jona shouted, evading the second arrow with ease.

The firing of arrows began to intensify, until the two began to simply fire and evade at unfathomable speeds, however, this ceased when Etar felt a sharp pain in his back as the energy bullets had drifted back towards him while he was distracted. He simply shrugged them off as he was hit by them and let out a sigh. " I've been taking the wrong approach to this battle.." Etar groaned, casting away his bow as he charged towards her.

The mage attempted to evade the attack, however, the centaur caught her with his arms and had grabbed her by the head, casting her aside to the ash filled river that was nearby. " It's useless, like I had said countless times before, but you would not listen to my mercy..." He said, grabbing a fell tree branch and snapping it in half to form a make-shift spear.

A screaming sound had been heard throughout the area, and Etar shoved the branch into the ground and looked over at the commotion. " Leave or she gets it! " Hottan shouted, holding the female that had attacked him hostage with his sword to her neck.

" Until we meet again...warriors..." Etar sighed, retreating back to the depths of the forest,  ' defeated ' by his opponents.

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