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Danni was a good natured and polite young man when the journey to reach Athos had started, he was one who had always followed the rules no matter how many times he was ridiculed by his friends for doing so. However, this all changed when he overheard his superior communicating with the enemy. He had rushed to the latest camp where the prince had resided, and began to sneak around the area full of important government information, however, he suddenly felt something touch his shoulder.

The boy froze up in fear and gulped, his eyes widened in horror as he realized he was caught, this was the end for him, he was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. " Hey errand-boy, deliver this note to Telence for me " One Of Telence's soldiers said, walking away soon after.

After being out of sight from the stranger, Danni quickly fled the scene and rushed far away from the camp, hoping for the message to get lost in translation somehow...

" That message should have arrived a long hour ago..." Telence sighed, looking outside his tent with disdain.

Another cloaked figure found herself in the camp, jumping from a tree and landing onto the ground with ease. " I'll retrieve it Master, I know the scent of that message..." She said, looking at him to reveal the visor covering her eyes.

" Do what you do best, Ziro " Telence replied, shooing her away as he went back to his quarters.

Ziro did as she was told, and began to make a mad dash towards the young boy, she was going to recover that letter at all costs. The rain began to pour heavily, to an almost blinding rate as she began to advance towards the direction of Danni....

Trying to dig a hole desperately in the rain, Danni relentlessly tried to rip the ground apart, only for the water to fill it, and the muddy substance to sink into the crevice he made, making his efforts in vain. Ziro began to approach the boy, however, she had only seen a silhouette due to the limited vision of her visor and the violent storm.

Suddenly, in front of Ziro, grey eyed Athena appeared to her. " Do not do this, Ziro, killing him will only cause you more pain..." She uttered, only to disappear soon after.

While she was distracted by the vision, Danni hurled a nearby rock towards the visored female, surprisingly, the stone managed to cut deep into her chest, which would slow her down for a while. The young boy continued to run after the short lived attack, with the message still desperately in his hand as he was being hunted by the female. " It must be an speak to the gods..." Ziro said to herself, ripping the stone out of her chest and groaning in pain.

She quickly continued her search, and chase the boy the woman did. However, two separate figures began to make their way towards the two. Hottan and Jona had arrived back from their battle with the son of Polyphemus.

" Great...I have to deal with three opponents now..." Ziro sighed, walking up to the two and resting her hand on her stomach.

Hottan, once again, charged headstrong into battle without analyzing the skills of his opponent, which was a mistake he had made during the bout with the tryclops. The woman took off her visor as he approached him, and began to look down at his legs as they turned to stone. " D-Dammit..." Hottan said, materializing a small blade in his palm and throwing it towards the previous wound from the rock.

The attack hit, and Ziro was sent backwards in shock as she tried to reach for the blade in the violent rains that plagued the battlefield. " Perish! " Jona shouted, firing an array of energy bullets from her fingers at her already injured opponent, killing her before any further harm could be done.

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