Truth Revealed

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Telence had made a camp of his own as the journey grew more and more dangerous. He sat in his tent, his knees to the ground as he gazed upon a smoke coming from his fire, taking the form of Athos. " Everything is going according to plan, my father's kingdom has been growing weaker and weaker as I send my assassins to slaughter the strongest in the area. The art of war is to always win, and never fight..." The Prince said, grinning.

" I shall have my vengeance on the Gods, and you shall have their throne..." Athos stated, his smoke form fading away as they ended their conversation.

Unknown to him though, someone walking by the tent had heard the former half of the conversation....

The next day, Hottan and Jona had arrived to their next checkpoint, another village with lovely townsfolk. They had gone see a man named Shena, who had fell of his horse, and was trampled by many other horses. Jona gently knocked at his door, wondering if the man had gone mad after his brutal beating. " Hmm...I don't think he's here.." Hottan muttered, looking closely at the door.

Suddenly, a large drill shaped sword burst out of the door, causing Hottan to fall backwards from evasion of the attack that had came without warning. " Perish..." The stranger muttered, pulling out his sword and kicking the door towards his opponent.

" Another assassin I presume..." Jona stated, firing her purple projectiles towards the stranger, only for him to knock away the energy bullets with relative ease.

A crimson glow was in his eyes, it had become apparent that he wasn't in his right mind. Then, to solidify this, the villagers began to circle around the mage, all with the same red light in their eyes. " The enemy isn't in the is the village! " The hooded magician thought to herself, backing away slowly...

A young boy had began to stand firmly upon the edge of his village, smiling. He had been happy and carefree for the majority of his life, not having many cares in the world due to his young age, however, one day, Bala officials had arrived to their town. " This land is ours now, do you know what that means? " One of the officials asked, walking to the boy's mother.

" You can't take him...he's too young! " The woman cried, holding her son firmly, only for him to be stripped from her arms suddenly, and the young boy would be taken to spend years in the Bala military, rising towards the rank of general in mere months.

However, the man decided to retire to see his mother again, not being able to see her face had driven him to madness. Walking towards the village with his sword in a drill shaped sheath, he knocked upon the door, only to hear no answer. He continued to knock and knock, but nobody had responded to his calls. After opening the door, he had realized his mother had died of grief, and had hated the world for what they did to punish the innocent and kind woman who had raised him....

Hottan had recovered from the attack from the door, and gazed upon the other villagers in fear, not knowing how to transform, he had no choice but to face them head on. The crimson flash of light began to flicker in Jona's eyes, even being as strong a magician as she was, her mind was starting to become one with the hive-mind of villagers that had surrounded the area. And after a few short moments, Jona's eyes failed her as they glowed the blood red color like the others.

The dragon hybrid continued to back away like his college did, however, a man laughed at him from the rooftops. " It seems you have fallen into my trap...before anyone had arrived here, I cursed this town to fall under my whim..." The sorcerer Seth stated, grinning as he threw a Rose towards Hottan's direction mockingly.

" D-Dammit..." The warrior stated, trying to fight off the villagers, however, for everyone he struck down, 15 more would take their place, and since the villagers had done nothing wrong, he couldn't bring himself to kill them.

" I'll allow you to live, you...amuse me, Hottan is it? " Seth asked, raising an eyebrow as the villagers halted suddenly.

" Yes...I yield..." The warrior said, falling to his knees as the flash of red disappeared from the small army, standing there confused at what had just transpired, and in an instant, Seth was gone.

" Did you win? " Jona asked, bending down to look at him.

" He overpowered me easily...he only spared me out of pity.." Hottan stated, his eyes widened as he was crushed by the first defeat in his life...

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