Chapter Five: New Years

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Chapter 5::New Years.

“Oh, you look gorgeous, Blair.”

Blair smiled and gave a twirl in her short navy blue dress.

“Oh, I do, don’t I? Tonight is going to be amazing! I just know it! I love New Years Eve!” She stepped in front of my mirror fixed her lipstick. “Are you sure you don’t wanna come with me and Pierce out to the Luxuria Magazine party? After all, you are the Executive Editor…”

I smiled but shook my head.

“No, it’s okay. I promised Blake I’d go to that other party with him tonight, remember?”

Blair pouted.

“But they’ll just be a bunch of boring law students! The Luxuria party will be way more fun!”

I shrugged.

“While I don’t doubt that, I gave Blake my word.”

Blair rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to respond, only to be cut off by my ringing cellphone.

The phone was closer to Blair than it was to me and she frowned as she read the caller ID.

She tossed me a look, her nose wrinkled in distaste.

“It’s Evelyn,” she pretended to throw up before tossing me the cellular device.

“Hello?” I answered the phone and Blair proceeded to dramatically roll her eyes again before strutting out of the room.

“Hi, Aub. It’s me.”

“Yeah, hi, I know. Happy New Year,” I spoke into the phone.

This was the first conversation I have had with my blonde best friend since she left for Tokyo around a month ago.

“Happy New Year. Sorry I haven’t called, but I’ve been busy being…well, being me here in Tokyo and you know how that goes. Anyways, I was just wondering…have you talked to Blake much? You know, since I left?” 

I rubbed my temples and lay down on my bed.

“Yeah, we’ve been talking. Hanging out.” 

“Has he mentioned me?”

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head before I remembered that we were on the phone.

“No, we haven’t spoken about you much.”


More silence.

“Hello? Ev? You still th-”

“Wait, how has he not mentioned me? What else have you guys been talking about?” There was a bit of an accusation in her voice.

I held in a groan.

“Ev, he and I were best friends before you two started dating, so it’s not as if you’re the only thing we have in common,” I explained, not unkindly.

“Well, even so, you’re still my best friend first! Shouldn’t you be secretly pulling for him to forgive me? Like, talking to him about getting over it and whatever?”

I sighed.

“Evelyn, I don’t want to get in the middle of this. I love you both and I’m sorry but…but I can’t.”

“…Aubrey,” her voice was quieter and softer than it had been a moment ago. “I’m…Blake hasn’t been answering my emails. I…I’m worried that I’m losing him.”

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