28. NME's Best Band of the Year

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Jamie had clearly told Katie what had happened because as Alex and I came back to the others, she was glaring at Alex with so much anger that I was surprised that Alex didn't catch on fire.

Matt, Nick, Miles, Breana, and Kelly stayed oblivious even though I saw Nick raise an eyebrow as we went to our table and Katie hurriedly switched our nametags so I was now seated between Matt and Jamie and she took the seat between Nick and Alex. I could've kissed her for doing that.

As we all sat down, Alex was looking at me with puppy eyes and I knew that he knew he had fucked up big time. I knew that nothing had happened between him and Arielle - but seeing as he definitely would have kissed her if Jamie and I had reached him just 10 seconds later, I found it reasonable to assume that he would definitely do it again if he got the chance. It knew it wasn't totally fair but I was pissed off and out of my mind. I had flown 13 hours for that fucker only to be met with this.

For now, I decided not to let it affect me. I could be sad about it tomorrow - and to be honest, I was actually having a blast! Jamie and Matt were taking good care of me and told me story upon story. Katie was mainly talking to Nick which left Alex on his own. Served him right. I had drink upon drink while Alex was spitting in the same Whiskey Sour for two hours. Fitting name for his facial expression.
I could tell that he glanced at me ever so often but I tried to ignore him the best I could.

Finally, the category that the guys had been nominated for was up. I was getting nervous as I saw Cameron Avery of Tame Impala swagger on stage. He read the names of the nominees before he tore open the envelope, "And the winner of NME's best progressive rock band of the year goes to...ARCTIC MONKEYS!"

Applause erupted around us and in pure reflex I stood up and embraced Jamie and Matt long and hard. I noticed that Alex was standing up too but he didn't look too happy. Instead, he looked rather pissed off. He walked over to me and took me in his arms, "I know that you hate me right now but it wouldn't feel right to celebrate this without you," he whispered in my ear, "seeing as the only reason we're winning this award is due to the lyrics you inspired."

I let him hug me but I didn't hug him back. He then winked at me and proceeded on stage followed by the rest of the guys. He smelled so good that I had to remind myself that I, infact, still hated his guts.

Matt, Nick and Jamie stood in the background as Alex took the microphone. This seemed as something they always did. The other guys had so much to offer and I had no idea why they always let Alex have all the shine. That was until I heard Katie whisper, "oh, poor baby. He's so uncomfortable up there," and I saw that Jamie had his arms crossed and was looking at his feet. Matt did almost the exact same thing while Nick was staring blankly into space. They were clearly uncomfortable being on stage without their instruments to hide behind.

Alex cleared his throat, "Well, thank you everybody! Much appreciated - thanks for voting for us," he held a small break, "we've never been the ones to think that the talent of a group of musicians is necessarily directly proportional to the size of their trophy cabinet, but this is truly something..." I could tell that he wasn't sincere at all, "To be honest, though, we can't take all the credit for the music. So this is just as much an award for the people that inspire us to write and make great music - I have a great story for you but seeing as that album isn't out yet, I'll have to save the story for the award show that will bring us a trophy for that one."

Matt erupted with laughter behind Alex and I could see a small smile playing on Alex lips. Either he was being extremely arrogant or he was taking the mickey out of this awards show.

"After the Britd earlier this year I know that people have been wondering what crazy stuff this Alex Turner guy is gonna say or do if he finally didn't win. Well..." he smacked his lips, "I guess we'll never know," he said before he did a mic drop.

People reacted in one of two ways; some gasped. Others laughed. I shook my head but couldn't help but laugh a little too. Arrogant prick.

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