25. Jamie's Call

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One Month Later

The dog days were over us and had been for quite a while.

Almost as symbol from above, the rain had started to pour as Alex and Miles' plane had taken off and it hadn't stopped for days until I finally heard from Alex again. And ever since then, the sun had shone from a cloudless sky warming up my face whenever I sat alone with Katie on hers and Jamie's balcony.

Nick, Matt, and Jamie had left a week ago and I had spent most of my time with Katie, talking about our guys. Even though Alex didn't feel as much as my guy these days. He had called a lot the first few days but as his calendar had gotten more and more booked, he hadn't really contacted me that much. And that was alright. I could live with that - he was working afterall. I was happy with the few texts I got whenever he found the time to think of me.

Katie's phone was chiming, "sorry, Rhea. Jamie's facetiming me - is it alright if I answer it?"

"Of course!!"

She pressed the green button on her screen, "Hi sweety!" she sang, "I miss you."

"Hi babe," I heard Jamie's voice on the other end, "I miss you too! Nice weather in England, yeah? I love that bikini you're wearing," he said, "I wish I was there right now - I could use some sun"

"You're in L.A. for gods sake!" she laughed, "just stick your big head outside."

"I'm pretty sure Alex would kill me if I did that! He's being really nazi with this album. Says everything has to be perfect."

"Well, it does have to be, doesn't it?" Katie shrugged. I could tell that she was a bit concerned.

"Yeah, I agree but the level of attention that he puts into every single note is driving all of us insane. He's constantly writing new songs that he wants on the album and he keeps swapping them out with the ones we've already practised and recorded. Even Matt's going crazy and he's the most patient fucker I know."

"That does sound like Alex, to be honest - don't you remember when you recorded Humbug?"

"Yeah, he was definitely going through some stuff back then. But this is more frantic, you know. I think he's doing it for Rhea - probably wants to show her that an album about her should be perfect, but with the drugs and all it just seems that he's lost it."

Mixed emotions flooded me: first, Alex was writing an entire album about....me??? Second, drugs? Not again...

"Drugs?" I piped up.

"Oh..Rhea is here too," Katie said and pointed the camera of the phone towards me.

"Drugs?" I repeated, "is Alex doing drugs again?"

"Nothing of importance," Jamie said and quickly added, "- and absolutely no coke! Luckily for all of us, he's one hundred percent done with that."

"What kind of drugs then?"

"Just some joints - calls it ultracheese. It's getting a bit weird to be honest."

I relaxed a bit more after that. Joints I could live with. It wasn't as if I was completely innocent in that department either.

"Ultracheese?" I just laughed, "yeah, he has definitely lost it - say hi to him from me and say that I asked him to treat you nicely."

"Yeah, well that's the thing," Jamie said, "he can't know I'm calling. He thinks I'm on a bathroom break."

"You're that scared of him?" Katie and I laughed in unison.

"Fuck off," Jamie joined in on the laughing too, "Nah, the reason for this call is actually that we've been nominated for an award here in the US. It's pretty huge - don't recall the name right now but it could really be our big breakthrough over here."

"That's amazing, honey," Katie said, "congratulations!"

"Thanks," Jamie smiled, obviously proud of himself and his mates, "So I just came up with the brilliant idea of flying you two ladies out here to join us for the festivities."

"Festivities?" I laughed, "How old are you? 80?"

"Fuck off, wanker," Jamie laughed, "you want me to fly you out or not?"

"I would love to," Katie said, "and Rhea too, right Rhea?"

I nodded excitedly, "yes please - I would love to!"

"Great," Jamie said, "I'll book seats for Wednesday, yeah? The show is on Friday here in L.A. - but Rhea could you do me a favour?"

"Of course!"

"Don't tell Alex anything - I'm sure that if he knows you're coming, he will just turn up the craziness even more trying to make everything extra perfect for his little chicken nugget"

"Shut up, you arse! Alex calls me nothing but 'love' or 'Rhea'. Matt's the one with the horrible nick names. Did you hear him call Breana his little muffin cup?"

"Either that or baby bear," Katie chimed in.

Jamie made a gagging sound sound before he winked at Katie and hung up.

"Guess we're going to L.A.," Katie laughed as she put down her phone.

"I guess so!" the excitement was bubbling in my chest. I was going to see Alex. My Alex.

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