33. Rainfall Shower

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Later that afternoon I was showering off the chlorine from the pool in an amazing rainfall shower en suite to Alex' bedroom. I had my eyes closed and enjoyed the sensation of the water running over my slightly sunburned body. There was a thud and through the glass doors to the shower, I could see that Alex had entered the bathroom. He was dripping wet and must've come directly from the pool.

"Hey, I'm showering in here," I called out, "alone!" I added.

He got rid of his red swimming trunks and entered the shower.

"Why do you think I came up here," he raised his eyebrows at me, "I've been thinking about last night all day," he licked his lips and took me in his arms, "Had to hide my boner every time I looked at you. Do you reckon you could put on the knee socks again tonight?" he whispered in my ear, and I shivered from the sensation of his warm breath.

I hadn't been alone with him since I saw who he'd been texting and I therefore hadn't confronted him yet. I had intentions of doing it later but definitely not as I was showering. Last night he had shown me what his charms could make me do - so I absolutely did not want to have that conversation while being naked. But as he started caressing my breasts and I pulled away from him in a hurry, he must've understood that something was wrong because he asked me what was going on with a weird expression on his face.

"I saw who you were texting today"

He looked at me with a puzzled expression, "what? Did you go through my phone?"

"I didn't go through your phone but I saw you were texting Arielle. I thought it was over between you two."

"REALLY RHEA? This again?" he yelled at me and let me go as if he'd been burned, "I thought we'd been over this! Nothing is going on!" he said through gritted teeth.

"Then why were you texting her?"

"SHE texted ME! So I explained what happened last night and who you are. And when she got upset that I have a new girlfriend-" my eyes grew wide. Was I his girlfriend? Alex continued, "- I comforted her saying that any guy would be happy to be with her. That's it, you twat"

Fuck. He was so hot when he was angry. I didn't know what to say and Alex interpreted my silence as disbelief. "I can't believe this," he muttered under his breath as he ran naked and wet from the shower to the bedroom. He emerged a few seconds later with his phone in his hand.

"Hi Alex, it was great seeing you last night!" he read out loud, "Who was the girl you ran after? Her and Jamie didn't seem too pleased seeing me.. If you aren't seeing anyone, I'm not doing anything monday afternoon and that coffee shop we used to go to still have those amazing croissants. Love, Arielle"

'Love, Arielle," - that bit stung in my chest.

He held a small break before he continued still reading from his phone, "Hi Ari, nice to see you too. That girl was Rhea, my girlfriend.

There it was again: girlfriend.

Alex kept reading "I'm sorry for giving you the wrong idea last night. I don't know what happened. Glad to see you're doing well. Best, Alex"

"I guess I missed you more than I thought I would. I'm glad you're happy even though I would've liked to know that you have a new girl in your life. You could have told me.. I know it was a mistake to let you go but that's how it happened and I know I'm the one to blame. Anyway, just happy you're happy.."

"You're not the only one to blame. I didn't treat you how I should have. You can do so much better than me - anyone will be happy to have you. Excuse my sorry ass for stirring things up again yesterday. You shouldn't miss me too much - I'm still the sorry bugger I was last time you saw me."

"Take care, Alex. I hope she's good to you."

Alex lowered his phone and glared at me. I had turned off the shower and had wrapped a towel around my naked body.

"Wow..I feel like a prize idiot," I whispered.

"You should!" he spat, "Have you never been in contact with one of your exes after you break-up?"

"I've never had an ex," I mumbled.

"What, you've never had a boyfriend before?" he spat.


"You're 26 and you've never had a boyfriend?" He said in disbelief.

"No, Alex, I haven't," I spat, "I have, however, been with scummy men that didn't want me no good at all. They fucked every girl in town behind my back so excuse me for being a little careful with who I'm fondling about with!"

He seemed to calm down a little. At least his chest wasn't heaving as heavily as before. He took a deep breath before saying, "Look Rhea, I'm sorry all that happened to you - and I know that seeing me like that must've reminded you of some hurtful times but I'm one of the good ones. I know it doesn't seem so right now, but I am."

"You are," I said, "and I know that. I just have to keep reminding myself of that because you have this aura of heartbreak about you that I just can't seem to comprehend."

"To be fair, I have broken a lot of hearts," he admitted, "But I don't intend on breaking yours."


We were both quiet for seconds but the silence seemed like an eternity.

"I'm sorry, alright.... I really am sorry for not trusting you.." I said.

"Me too...I'm sorry for letting the past get the best of me"

"I forgive you for chatting up your ex and for ending up nearly kissing her," I added

"I forgive you for being absolutely idiotic and for always thinking the worst of me."

"I forgive you for doing drugs when I first met you and for ignoring me like the child you are"

"Well, I forgive you for storming out on me and for just being a right idiot"

"Then I forgive you for calling me an idiot, idiot" I said causing a small smile to erupt on Alex lips. I returned it and we started to chuckle a little.

"You truly are an idiot," he said and took one step closer.

"So are you...And I also forgive you for calling me your girlfriend in front of Arielle even though you probably should've asked me first," I said. Nervous for his response.

"Chivalry isn't dead," he joked but then continued, "jokes aside; I know you're my girl even though I probably should've asked you first..."

"I don't care what happens anymore - I just wanna be yours," I whispered.

"Good" he grinned, "cause you are endless lyric material, did you know? My career would end up in the crapper if it wasn't for you"

"Shut up," I laughed before I kissed him.

He then took a step away from me, "now take of your towel I want to see my girlfriend naked!" he demanded with a smirk.

I let the towel fall to the floor with a 'thump' and he nodded in approval "nice!"

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