Chapter four

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Raven woke to the sound of her door opening. "Rae?" Beast Boy whispered closing the door behind him. Raven rubbed her eyes and peered at her clock. 3:09 it read. "'s a little late right now. We should both be asleep." She yawned. Beast Boy was in a pear of boxers and a singlet.

A worried face appeared on his face as he sat down on her bed. "What's wrong? What are you worried about?" She asked, sitting up and touching his shoulder. "I'm sorry's just..." he sighed. "I can't sleep knowing that the team trusts us with anything, but we can't trust them with this." He frowned looking at Raven. Quickly she through off her doona (duvet), and wrapped her arms around him sympathetically. He returned the hug and squeezed tighter. "I know. But we need to give it some time. When they are ready and we can be certain that nothing bad will happen after, then we can tell them." Raven rubbed his back trying to calm him.

They pulled away still holding each other and gave a kiss that lasted a few long seconds. The two ended up falling asleep, cuddled up together.

The next day
"Wake up BB!" Cyborg banged on BeastBoy's door. There was no response. 'Ha. Probably stayed up playing video games again.' Cyborg scoffed to himself. "Uh, hi Cy?" Beast Boy tapped him on the shoulder. Cyborg jumped and turned around. Beast Boy was still in his pyjamas and looked pretty tired. "WHAT THE HELL?! Don't scare me like that dude!" He shoved. "Where did you come from?" He waved his arms around . "Uh...the bathroom?" The green Boy replied.
"The bathroom is the other way." Stated Cyborg. "Right, right well um...I went to the bathroom and then forgot where my room was. Then I remembered and came walking back here to find you, BANGING ON MY DOOR!" He pointed out the the fist marks his friend left in the door. Cyborg made a big smile and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry."

Raven then came past. "Good morning Raven. What are you doing up at this time? I thought you woke up before everyone and then went back to your room to read or meditate." Cyborg said. Raven stopped at her tracks and faced him. "Uh well you see, I was awake but decided to try and do my morning routine backwards?" Cyborg looked at Beast Boy, then back to Raven. Suspicion was drawn upon his half human, half Cyborg face. "Hm. I'm keeping my eye on the two of you." Then he walked off.

The two sighed in relief. "Well that was close. Good morning Rae." Beast Boy walked to Raven. He went to give her a hug and kiss but she pushed him away and crossed her arms. "What are you doing? We're going to get caught." She looked around to see if anyone saw. Beast Boy sighed and frowned. "Fine." She saw the expression on his face and immediately felt bad. She hated seeing him upset. "Well I guess maybe this once. The security footage hasn't been seen in a long time." She shrugged. Beast Boy's face lit up. He gave her a big hug and a few kisses which she returned.

They pulled away. "Okay that's enough now. The others will be suspicious." Raven touched his cheek. He put his hand on hers. "Why? I don't understand!" He whined.

"Don't understand what?" Robin asked, walking back to his room. The two froze. "Nothing." They said in unison. Robin had a confused look. "And why are you two up late again? It's always you two now." He said as if accusing them of something. "I've got my eyes on you." He pointed two fingers at his eyes then at them, then walked towards his room. "Okay now I understand." Beast Boy.

Later that day
There was no crime that day. Robin was working out, Starfire was trying to cook food, Raven was meditating, BeastBoy and Cyborg were playing video games.

"Woohoo I won again!" Cried the green changeling. "How?" Cyborg was pinching himself. "This can't be true." He shook his head. "What can't be true?" Raven floated in.
"Friend BeastBoy keeps doing the beating of friend Cyborg." Explained the alien princess. "5 times in a row." Robin added, finishing his last push up.

Raven's eyes widened. "What?" She exclaimed. "Hey, you don't have to rub it in you know." Cyborg crossed his arms. "How are you doing this?" Cyborg asked BeastBoy. BeastBoy smiled. "Well, I just think of someone or something then try to win for them or it." He glanced at Raven to make sure she knew, it was her he thought about. "And let me guess. You either think about tofu or Terra?"

Raven's eyes went glossy at her name. 'BeastBoy really did love Terra. Maybe more then me? I wouldn't be surprised I mean she was perfect for him. Funny, beautiful, strong, has a good sense of humour. Better then me I guess.' She thought. Her eyes were full of tears. "Um, no." He said. Robin scoffed. "As if!" Starfire flew out of the kitchen. "You  were in the love with her!" She said. "You were the saddest boy on the planet when she left. You even told me yourself you could never love someone as much as you loved Terra-" he was cut off by the dishes shattering and the window and tv screen cracking.

Everyone turned to where Raven was. The door was opened and she wasn't where she was standing anymore. "Well obviously Raven got a little upset." Cyborg pointed at everything that was broken. BeastBoy turned back to everyone else. "That's enough!" BeastBoy shouted. "I love someone else now!" Everyone stared at him both in confusion and fear. He realised what he just said. "I mean..." he sighed. "Just...I'm over Terra now. Okay? And I would appreciate if you wouldn't bring her up again!" He then ran off after Raven.

The others were just left confused. "Should not we give our apologies?" Starfire asked flying out after him. A few lightbulbs break and the toaster and microwave get sparks of electricity flying out of them. Starfire was stopped by someone grabbing onto her wrist. "Not right now Star. We need to wait for both of them to cool off first." Robin explained pointing at the lightbulbs and other electric things. She nodded. They all just stared in silence , guilt spread on their faces.

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