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"That's it?" Loki asks, crossing his arms.

I look at him in disbelief, wiping the sweat from my forehead, "What do you mean that's it? I've done everything I know!"

"You mean that in all of the time you've been alive, you only know a few party tricks? You have such an amazing gift and all you know how to do is throw balls of fire? Or occasionally blow fire like a bloody flamethrower?!"

"I'm sorry I've never had a teacher!" I snap, "Sorry I wasn't born with the advantage of knowing how use my power!"

"It's not about being taught. It's about your desire to do more," he sighs, "It's about your determination to do new things with the gift you have. Expand the capabilities of your power."

"Well that's kind of hard to do when you've wanted to die for over 100 years, isn't it?" I growl, stepping closer to him.

"But you did die...and now you're back. So stop whining like a child and do something!"

"You want something?!" I shout, walking away from him in irritation, "I'll give you something!"

I clench my jaw, drawing a large line of fire at my feet and pulling it up to form a wall in front of me. I scream in frustration, bending back my arms and pushing the wall away from me. It quickly flies across the room, charring the concrete pillars and catching the foam mats line up against the wall on fire, and stopping just before it hits Loki  before vanishing into thin air.

I stare at Loki, breathing heavily and watching as he smiles and walks up to me.

"All it takes is a little frustration to bring out the best in you," he whispers, kissing my cheek quickly before pulling away, "Let's try something else!"

I roll my eyes, wiping the sweat from my temple, "How do you actually battle in armour like this? It's so bulky and hea- Wait..."

My weight changes as my armour becomes lighter and thinner, almost as if it could hear me complaining.

"It will keep changing until you are 100% comfortable and capable of battling," Loki chuckles, noticing my shocked reaction, "Now let's try something else."


"What did you two get done?" Steve asks, taking a sip of his drink.

I look around at everyone as we eat in the foyer. Takeout Chinese food...Stark's idea of course.

"Well, I learned how to change into my armour, and Loki and I both learned that in order for me to learn I have to be very frustrated. So, a lot of our training was him just pissing me off until I did something insanely awesome," I explain, nudging Loki with my shoulder, "Of course I wish I could just fight in my casual attire like I used to."

"Sounds like it went well, then?" Natasha chuckles, "What all did you do?"

"I started by just showing Loki what I could already do. He pissed me off and I created this huge wall of fire and threw it at him, stopping it just before it hit him. Then I found out that I can telekinetically move things as long as they're on fire. Oh, and I can actually create a form of fire that doesn't radiate heat. It just burns if touched. So it could be used to hold prisoners or something."

"I want to see all of that," Clint grins, "Tomorrow I'm coming to watch you train."

"Me too," Natasha nods.

I scoff, rolling my eyes, "Well geeze, why don't you all just come?"

"Okay," they all say simultaneously, nodding their heads.

Do none of them understand sarcasm?

I think they just ignore it. But they most likely don't get it.

Typical mortals.

Loki chuckles, pressing a kiss to my temple before continuing to eat.

"What do you two talk about?" Stark asks, pointing at his temple, "You know, in your heads?"

"We usually plan our villainous crimes, trash talk, flirt and debate back and forth about who the better villain was." I grin, "Ya know, typical couple conversation."

He nods, a look of confusion on his face. 

"Have you guys forgotten about the fact that Aidan literally died less than a month ago?!" Bruce snaps, leaning forward in his chair, "Because I'm still freaking out about that while you guys are cracking jokes!"

"We didn't forget, Bruce," Steve smiles, gently patting his shoulder to calm him, "We're just so happy she's back that we don't even want to talk about the time when she wasn't around."

"What was that like, by the way? I mean I was gone for what, a week? Did you guys cry? Was it quiet? Boring? Well, I know it was boring because Loki told me while I was still in the ground."

"It was terrible. Everyone cried and it was dreadfully quiet," Thor sighs, "I think Loki took it the hardest, though."

I look over to Loki, smiling brightly, "Awe, really? Did you miss my teasing?"

Everyone stares at Loki, raising an eyebrow.

"Teasing?" Clint questions, "What kind of teasing are we talking about?"

"Oh nothing like that," Loki chuckles, shaking his head, "She just meant her playfulness."

"So she's like that, is she?" Stark smirks.

"No, no...she just jokes around," Loki smiles nervously, "All in good fun."

"I'm sure it is fun for the both of you," Thor chuckles, crossing his arms.

"No, I-I....Aidan!" Loki stammers, turning to look at me.

"What?" I ask, grinning evilly, "They're just dicking around."

"Well I don't want them to assume things..."

"Wait, you two haven't slept together?" Clint asks, pointing at the two of us.

"No," we answer in unison, shaking our heads.

"God, why is everything always about sex?" I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"What about when-" Steve cuts himself off, shaking his head, "Nevermind."

"What about when, what?" I ask, a knowing smirk on my lips.

Don't do that to him.

Oh I'm doin it.

"Go on, it's alright."

"Those few times I walked in and you two...." he drifts off in embarrassment.

"We what?"

"You know..."

"No, I don't know."

"It looked like you two were having sex!" He exclaims, quickly covering his mouth.

Everyone looks between us in confusion, smiling as I dramatically lean back against the couch.

I feign gasp, placing my hand on my chest, "Steve Rogers! Of all things!"

"Leave him alone, Aidan," Loki chuckles, "He knows if we ever have sex we'll invite him to join."

"What?!" Steve shouts, looking at us with wide eyes.

"Oh yeah!" I grin, slapping Loki's arm lightly, "I remember you telling me about how you and Steve planned all of our first times' together."

"Wait.." Steve chuckles, shaking his head.

"Don't worry, Cap, we would never have sex without you," I smirk, linking my arm with Loki's.

Steve is frozen and silent as everyone bursts out in laughter, Loki and myself included. He eventually shakes his head, standing up and walking out of the room as we all continue laughing.

Frost and Fire // Loki X OC pt.1 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora