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"Do we really have to do this?" I ask, breathing heavily.

"Yes," Steve nods, turning to face me as he stops running, "We have to keep you in shape, but once we're done, Loki's going to help you with the whole superpower thing." 

"First of all," I pant, sitting on the ground, "I'm already in shape. Secondly, I'm not a superhero."

Steve walks to me and helps me stand, "We have to build your muscle, but you kind of are a superhero. We all are."

"No, I'm not. Like, yeah, I have the abilities, but that's more magic than anything, right?" I argue, following him to a weight bench, "But why do I need muscle if I'm literally a God?"

"Because you never know when you won't be able to use your powers. Anything could happen. I mean, look at Thor, his powers were literally taken away when he first came to Earth."

"But he was still stro- Oh...I-I see your point now," I admit, gripping the weight bar tightly, "Start me off easy, Cap. I can only lift 500 at most."

"Alright," he nods, adding multiple weights to each side of the bar, "Then we'll start with 510."

"Oh, great," I feign laugh, "This'll be so much fu-

I groan, holding the bar up as Steve let's go, and lowering it towards me before pushing it back up. I repeat the action a few times before placing the bar onto the stand.

"How many was that?" I ask, sitting up from my laying position.

Steve nods in approval, "Twenty three."

"No...really?" I question, looking back at the bar, "It didn't feel like I did that many."

"Well you did. You're one strong woman."

"Technically I was given the strength so don't give me too much credit. I haven't earned a thing," I wipe my forehead, standing up from the bench.

"Still, to me you seem like an ordinary girl. My brain doesn't wrap around the fact that you're a goddess when I see you press 510 pounds over twenty times," he chuckles, patting me on the back with a smile, "Let's go get you some water before you have to work with Loki."

I groan, tilting my head back as we walked to the stairwell, "Do we really have to take the stairs?"

"It's only three floors. You'll be alright."

I sigh, walking past Steve as he holds the door open for me, "Since we're taking the stairs does that mean I still have to train with Loki?"

"Yes, you still have to train, but I'll let you take a break for five extra minutes."

I breathe heavily as I climb the steep stairs despite the short journey and Steve chuckles once we reach the third floor, holding the door open once again before following behind me into the kitchen.

"Five minutes times a million," I huff, taking a bottle of water from him, "The last time I touched one of these things it literally melted in my hand."

"When was tha- Oh..."

"Hey" I smile softly, punching his arm playfully, "I'm back now, right?"

He nods and smiles, "Yeah, and I'm glad you are. It was way too quiet without you."

"And I'm immortal this time so I definitely won't die. I can't. Nature won't allow it," I laugh, throwing my empty bottle away, "I might pass out on this sofa for fifteen minutes, though."

I walk into the foyer, throwing myself onto the sofa and sighing, closing my eyes for a few seconds before being interrupted by someone tilting back the sofa. I open my eyes again, looking up to see Thor.

"Thor what are you...Loki stop being an idiot," I groan, closing my eyes again.

"I still don't understand how you can tell," Loki sighs, letting go of the sofa and flashing back into himself, but I fall, hitting my head on the floor.

"Ow," I whine, sitting up and rubbing the back of my head, "If you're going to be someone at least be someone that's here more often."

"Are you alright?" He asks, holding out his hand to take and making a small noise of surprise as I pull him down to the floor and sit on him.

"I'm just dandy," I smirk, pinning his arms to the floor, "Are you alright?"

He grins, "I would be if we were in a bed right now, but I can make the floor work."

I hum, staring into his eyes, "I only sit on the floor."

"And on me, apparently. Is the hardness similar?"

"Yes, but the floor is bigger," I smile smugly, watching as his face grows serious, "Of course, I've never seen enough to make a comparison."

"Would you like to see?"


"Aidan you ready to-" Steve freezes in the doorway before quickly turning around and walking back into the kitchen.

I laugh, looking back down to Loki, "That poor old man."

"I think he does it on purpose," he chuckles, resting his hands on my hips, "Are you ready to go train?"

I sigh, pushing myself off of him and standing, "I guess, but I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"Not really. Sorry love."

"It's fine," I shrug, walking beside him towards the elevator, "Maybe I'll find some abilities that I never knew I had, like a special bonus, but just  strengthening my current abilities is going to be a lot of help."

"Maybe," he smiles as we steps into the basement, "Stark said this entire room was "everything proof" so I guess it will work."

"Well I hope it's "insane fire goddess with newfound abilities" proof." I chuckle, crossing my arms, "So where should we begin?"

"Let's start with what you already know," Loki says, switching into his armour and wearing everything except for his helmet, "Can you switch to your armour?"

"Uh....I don't think so. How do you do it?"

"I just do it. I think about it and it appears. Try it."

I nod, exhaling loudly and thinking about nothing but my armour. I open my eyes again, looking down at myself and sighing.

"It didn't work."

"What's the name of the God you're name is in correlation with?"

I roll my eyes, trying my best to remember, "Uh...Ai..Ah.....Aodh! It's Aodh, but I think my godfather made all of that shit up."

"Ask Aodh for your armour."

"That's dumb. I'm not doing that."

"Just try," Loki smiles, giving me puppy dog eyes, "Please?"

"Fine," I closed my eyes, speaking quietly to myself, "Aodh give me my armour. Give me my armour."

"Are you asking or telling?"

I scoff, continuing to speak, "Aodh, if you're out there, please give me my armour. I need it. Gotta prove myself. Please give me my armour."

Feeling my weight change slightly, I open my eyes and looked down at myself.

"Haha! It worked!"

"Good," Loki smiles, "Now show me everything you know."

Frost and Fire // Loki X OC pt.1 Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat