"With?" He persisted.

"I have decided that having Evangeline as a mate would benefit me greatly. I dread to even say it but you were right. A mate is a great thing and I should not throw it away simply because I don't care for the idea of two people being together because of a God."

My father rolled his eyes but smirked.

"So you want to be with Evangeline after all.. why?" he raised a suspicious eyebrow at me.

"Why not? As you said a mate does make you stronger and that is what I am going to need when I go up against Jo." I said as I looked at him and my father sighed.

"You want a mate to make you stronger?" I nodded my head slowly not understanding why he sounded disappointed,

"Braxton, a mate is not a piece of meat that you get to consume because you need its nutrients. A mate is a special thing my boy. A mate will be the ONLY person to stand by you when everyone is against you. A mate is someone you count on to help you solve a problem when you have no idea how to solve it." he got up at this point.

"A mate is someone who cherishes and loves you for who you are and not what is on the outsider ." he started walking closer to me and smiled.

"The day you and Evangeline met, she was wrestling her brother to the ground. You had looked at her and her behavior and didn't approve. But what you failed to see was that she took one look at you and her heart melted."

        I didn't say anything g as I stood there not knowing what to say.
He smiled and shook his head.

"I didn't have to be. It was who she was... who she is. I know it and you know it. Evangeline has loved you and will always love you. Right now she is not in a good place... but that is why she has a mate. To show her again who she once was. She is still that smart, caring, lovable person that her family loves. And I know you will never admit it ... out loud but you care for her."

"I do not." I protested sounding like child who was caught in lie.

Only difference, I was not a child.

"You do. Your heart skips a beat when you two are near. I hear it. Its very subtle and it only happens once. But it happens." he said as he started walking back to his chair.

I sat down in the chair and stared at my hands that were clenching the chair.

"I don't know what to do." I said as I gritted my teeth and looked at him.

He gave me this sad and pathetic look.

"Show her you care." He said and I finally met his eye.

"I can't." and it was like this weight was lifted off my chest.

I looked up at my father and he had a pained expression on his face.

And I couldn't take it, I got up and growled.

"Do not look at me like that!" and my father diverted his gaze.

"Its because of your mother, isn't it?" And I growled out.

"ENOUGH." I used my Alpha voice and he lowered his head.

"I miss her too Braxton." I closed my eyes and tried to calm down but it wasn't working.

Right on cue Evangeline came bursting through the door.

She scanned the room until her eyes met mines and it was like she knew..

She slowly walked over to me , ignoring my father as he stood up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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