My Other Half - Part 14

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Isaiah had grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.


"I just want to talk you."

"Isaiah, nothing you say will affect the way I feel right now. Okay? It happened. You cheated. More than once okay? Yes I know. I saw you after cheer practice I told Jordan okay? It's over!"

"You saw me and Qintell?"


"You didn't say anything?"

"No. But obviously I'm the only one that cares in this relationship. I wanted something real and you know that. You made a fool of me, Isaiah. You said all these things. I thought you wanted to be with me."

"I do."

"No you don't. You want the title. You want to walk around campus saying 'Yeah I hit that' and saying that's mine but you don't even care about me. What we had was never real. It was just some big joke to you but I'm over it okay? I'm done. You don't deserve something as real as me which is why you and Qintell are perfect for each other. Maybe she'll be everything you wanted because you can't wife a loose girl."

"Abby, I care about you. I always have."

"Then why did you do it? Becausw I wouldn't? Just leave me alone. Nicki can you take me home?"

I got in the car and waited for Nicole. I kept blinking to push back the tears. Qintell is still here and as much as I want to beat the girl up I still feel like crying and I can't let her see me like this.

"Hey are you okay?" Nicole asked me when she got in the car.

"No. I want to cry and if I say another word I will can we leave please?"

"Of course."



When we got home I called Abby but she wasn't answering.

I walked through the door and saw boxes and suitcases in the foyer.

"What's going on?"

"You're mother and I, we're getting a divorce and she decided to sell the house."

"Wait what? Hold up. You and mom are divorcing but what does that have to do with the house? And why didn't you tell me at breakfast? "

"I wanted to tell both of you but I figured I wait until later but I see your mother beat me to it and the house is hers since I'm in the process of building another one I thought I'd be nice."

"Dad no. It's way too soon."

"What's going on?" Abby asked, walking through the front door.

"Mom and dad are getting a divorce."

Abby didn't say anything and walked right past us and up the stairs. I rolled my eyes at my dad and followed her up the stairs. She walked into my parents room and closed the door behind her. debated wether or not to eavesdrop. I decided not to. I trust Abby will tell me what's going on.



I walked up to my mom's room. A divorce? I mean I knew it was coming but not this soon. Way to drop some bombs. I closed the door behind me and started looking for my mom. I walked into the closet and found her putting towels and stuff into some boxes.

"Hey mom." I gave her a hug and immediately the tears started pour from my eyes.

"Sweetie what's wrong?"

"Me and Isaiah broke up. He cheated on me." Usually I wouldn't be this willing and able to open up to my mom but in the past couple weeks we've gotten really close. I've told her things Justice doesn't even know yet.

"Was it Shantell?"

"Mom, her name is Qintell and yes. I walked in on them on the sofa."

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I have to finish packing. The sooner I get out of here the better. I mean I love you and your sister but I can't stay here any longer and pretend I love your father. I don't even know that man anymore."

"But will I see you?"

"You can even come live with me if you want. I'm getting a house with 3 bedrooms it's really nice."

"Me and Justice?"

"Yeah she can come too but I'm not sure she will."

"Mom we've never been separated I can't leave my sister."

"I'm not asking you to. Just know I always have a room for you."

I nodded my head and made my way to my room. I was going to tell her about my half brother but maybe now isn't a good time. I sat on my bed and dialed my grandmother's number. We haven't talked in a while and mom isn't in the mood to talk dad will probably lie. I need to find out the truth.

I went to Justice's room and crawled under her covers.

"Mom and dad are divorcing. Isaiah and I broke up. Mom's leaving and wants me to go with her."

"Whoa whoa Abby hold up. One at time. We have all day. What about mom and dad?"

"Okay. Mom knows about Owen."

"So does that mean you did too? Before this morning?"

"Yeah. Mom said it happened at his Bachelor party. He saw an ex from high school and you know the rest. She forgave him and they got married anyway. Of course she didn't know about the baby but he did. He found out the day of their wedding but didn't say anything until he was born. They got passed it then had us. twelve years of our lives were good until dad started having business trips. Started out short then got longer and started happening more often so she got one of the helpers to follow him and she found out he was cheating. She didn't say anything because of us. She wanted our teenage years to be as normal as possible."

"Wow I didn't know that."

"Yeah. There's a lot we don't know and if she's willing to share this then there's way more."

"I wanted to know what Owen knew so I invited him over tomorrow. We're swimming."

"Cool. I mean Owen seems nice like we can actually be friends."

"Yeah I thought the same thing." I sat up and let my hair down "You know I just realized that I broke up with Isaiah in some sweats. Qintell was there."

"Qintell? Why was she there?"

"Go get some ice cream because I have another story to tell you. I could write a book about my life ya know. It'll be a hit."

"As long as I know everything that's in it."

I laughed at my sister and looked for something to watch while she was gone.

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