Circus Girl 🎪 Fifteen

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Chapter Title: Crazy Dolls' Reunion



"Eonnie! Do we really have to wear hanbok? It's so uncomfortable."I whined not liking the idea of us wearing this kind of outfit. Aigoo, why can't we just let Seungwan-eonnie come to our place? Why do we have to visit the palace? Ugh! I'm going to see that unbelievable jerk again, God what did I even like about him?

"Stop complaining Sooyoung, it's the order of the royalties besides Seungwan must have been really tired from the trip back to Joseon. Spare her some slack will you?"Seulgi-eonnie scolded me. Well do I have any other choice anyway?

"Yeah yeah, whatever."I snapped as I slowly wore my coat on the top of the hanbok I was wearing.

We heard a knock on the door as they motioned me to open it. Ugh! It better be not Sungjae or my day would literally fall apart. I slowly opened and peeked on who was at the door, good thing it was Changsub and Peniel-oppa.

"Oppas! Good morning."I greeted them with a smile as I made way for them to enter.

"Good morning as well Ms. Park, the car is ready for all of you."Changsub-oppa said not wanting to enter the place.

"Ah jinja? Well my sisters are almost done changing. Do you guys want something to eat?"I asked softly as I smiled at Peniel-oppa who was shyly standing by the car.

"It's okay Miss, we will be just waiting here."Peniel-oppa spoke. Aigoo why are they so serious in doing their jobs? They can slack off for some times though.

"Okay, I'll enter the car now."I said as I yelled to my sisters. "Yah eonnies! I'm hopping into the car now! Ppali!" I exclaimed as I heard Changsub and Peniel-oppa chuckled upon my behavior.

It took a few minutes before we saw my two eonnies coming out of the house as Irene-eonnie made sure to lock the door. Ugh! This is it! Finally a reunion with Seungwan! And Yerim-ssi! Kyaaaaaaah!

"Woah! Hold your horses Sooyoung, are you that excited in seeing Sungjae that badly?"Irene-eonnie teased which made my smile faltered.

"Gosh! I was already having a good day knowing I'll be seeing Seungwan-eonnie and Yerim after years but the mere mention of that jerks name just made it all vanish."I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Aigoo, why are you acting all bratty this days? Do you not like him anymore? Last time you two were inseparable."Seulgi-eonnie trailed off which made me glare at her.

"That was 6 years ago, and people change. For some reason he became a jerk."I said as I remembered our last encounter.

"Yeah and you became a brat as well."They pointed out as I just rolled my eyes. Can this car move any faster? I've had enough questions and teasing for one day. And I still need to face that jerk of a Prince later.

Arriving at palace literally took my breath away. This place is so amazing, the architecture design and everything! It's super dope! Changsub-oppa made his leave as he was going to fetch the little Prince and Princess. Peniel-oppa was the one who accompanied us towards the pavilion where we would be meeting our sister Seungwan.

As we were all walking towards the location we came across three ladies which we recognized as the daughters of the Palace Ministers. We halted and bowed to greet them, my attention was focused on Lady So Hyun, she's so pretty.

"Oh Eunuch Peniel."the Lady with brown haired said. I remember her name as Lady Chorong.

"Good morning."he greeted.

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