Circus Girl 🎪Two

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Chapter Title: Crazy Dolls


(6 years earlier)

"IRENE!"The woman named Julia called out for the girl who was practicing her contorted stunts.

"Yes Miss?"the girl exclaimed in her worried state, she knew that every time the lady would call out her name it wouldn't be anything related to a good thing.

"One of the Minister's son would want to have a date with you."she said as she handed Irene a bouquet of flowers, more like she actually threw it at her. Irene barely had time to catch the poor gift, it wasn't new to her that many young men in Joseon fancy her due to her unbelievable beauty.

"My apolo-"Irene was cut off when Julia waved her hand in front of her signaling her to leave her sight.

"I know, you don't want to date anyone coz of people thinking you are all that blah blah blah. Jeez! I can't understand you four sisters, why would you always decline rich men when they would offer you a lot of money."Julia said which made Irene ducked her head. Their little chitchat was cut off when the clowns and the smallest lady called out for Julia and told her something about the next event.

Seulgi and Wendy witnessed how their older sister was talking with their so called Manager Julia. They walked towards her and comfort their weak hearted sister, this scenario wasn't new. Not only does Irene get to be courted with multiple guys or more like being asked to sleep with them but also her other sisters but mostly Irene is the one they prefer since among the four of them she has the most beautiful face, next to her would be their 19 year old sister Joy.

"Don't let her get to you eonnie."Seulgi exclaimed as Irene just smiled in response.

"Yeah. Let those people bad talk us all they want, coz we know for ourselves that we aren't like those people they say we are."Wendy said, then the three sisters noticed that Joy wasn't in the area.

"Where is Joy?"Irene suddenly asked since their youngest sister wasn't in her usual place which was near the animals.

"Oh no."Seulgi suddenly exclaimed as she motioned them outside, not minding that they were not wearing their usual disguises and rushed to look for their sister.

"I hope it's not what I fear."Wendy said which made all of them to panic even more. When they reached the back part of the circus tent, they saw a limping Joy walking towards their way.

"Oh my gosh Joy!"Irene yelled as she run towards their sister. Irene wrapped her arms around her sister when she noticed a lot of scratches and bruises on Joy's arms and her hair was a mess.

"What happened to you?!"Seulgi asked as the three of them helped her walk back to the tent. People were staring at them weirdly, clearly the public didn't like the idea of Circus Freaks being in their town. The four sister's couldn't understand why the society doesn't accept people who are different, they were all clearly unique kinds of person but for some reason people misunderstood them and call them names like freaks, mutants, aliens or even people who were never meant to be born.

"Gwenchane eonnies, it's not like this never had happened before."Joy said with a smile. Despite all the hardship the four of them had encounter all their lives, Joy was always the positive one.

"Aigoo."was the only thing Wendy could utter as they reached the tent. Their Manager Julia just looked at them clearly not giving any care whatever the public would do to them as long as she gains more money every time they perform.

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