Circus Girl 🎪Six

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Chapter Title: Push and Pull


(6 years earlier) [First the story how they escaped the wedding]

Suho and Hyunsik started assisting Sungjae to walk out of the castle as their get away carriage was being ready at the back of the place. Today was his wedding to be, and as their supportive cousins by birth and brothers by heart they helped him escape this tragedy of his life. An all dressed up Yerim wearing her bridesmaid gown happened to caught the sight of them escaping the place,

"What on earth?!"she exclaimed upon seeing two guys wearing black suits as the grooms men and an injured looking groom wearing a white over all suit hurriedly escaping.

"Oh shoot! The dragon haa spotted its prey! Hurry up Hyunsik! She's gaining on us."Suho exclaimed as they doubled their speed as they were almost to their carriage.

"What the hell are you guys doing?!"Yerim yelled in disbelief as she kept running after them.

"Waaaaaaah! She's close! Run Sungjae! Run!"Hyunsik said clearly acting like they were all being chased by zombies or something.

When the three of them reached the carriage, the two quickly helped Sungjae board the vehicle as Suho was the one to drive. Suho was about to make the horses run when Yerim stood in front of the carriage clearly preventing them to leave.

"Have you guys lost your minds?!! The wedding is about to start in an hour! The king will flip out!"Yerim yelled but the guys kept on motioning her to move aside.

"Move out of the way you monster!"Suho yelled which made his sister hate him more for acting like an idiot on a serious situation.

"Gosh you're such an idiot! And where would you guys plan on going? You're up against the King of Joseon!"Yerim pointed out.

"We know that! So step aside before your brother make the horses run you over!"Hyunsik exclaimed. Yerim was so furious with the three idiots plan but she felt even more pathetic when she thought of coming with them on the process.

"Ugh! Move aside! I'm coming with you!"she said as she pushed Sungjae over as she sat besides him. "Well then what are you guys waiting for? Go!!!!"she yelled as Suho was startled and starting to hit the horses as they move towards the Circus Show.


Irene was already set with all her things as she was patiently waiting for her three younger sisters. Today was their schedule to leave Korea and head to America, it was just announced last week that the Circus Show is banned in Joseon and their Manager Julia was furious upon hearing the announcement. They didn't know the reason why, and just packed everything else as they were set to go on a different country.

She was startled to see a panting looking Suho and behind him was his friends.

"Omo! What are you guys doing here? And why are you guys dressed like that?"Irene asked surprised.

"No time to explain. Please help us."Suho exclaimed to her, Irene was rather hesitant at first nevertheless she agreed and motioned them to enter their house (more likely just a small room occupied by 4 people).

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