"That wasn't so bad." Ethan said as he patted Grayson's back and looked at me.

"Question 2: Grayson, do you have a a girlfriend?"

"Not exactly." Grayson shrugged and smiled at the ground

"Can you explain more to everyone?" Ethan held up an imaginary mic to Grayson's mouth and he giggled.

"I'm into a girl, but we aren't in a relationship yet." He shrugged and I smiled at how shy he's being. He makes my heart flutter to a point where I want to throw up.


Grayson and I sat outside in the hot tub, enjoying the silence. My legs were on his and my head rested on his shoulder.

As I scrolled through twitter I got a phone call from my work and I picked up immediately, lifting my head off Grayson's shoulder.

"Hi Peyton, this is Deb, and I was just calling to say the store is shutting down and we're forced to lay everyone off. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"Wait, what?" I said in shock and Grayson looked at me worried. "Okay. Have a good day?" I hung up the phone and sat shocked then ran my hands over my face.

"Babe, what happened?" He rubbed my back comfortingly and I looked up at him.

"I just got laid off work." I sighed and he pulled me into his chest. "I'm so confused." I chuckled a little, still in slight disbelief.

"Hey, there's other jobs, don't worry." He smiled at me and kissed my temple and I put my phone down on the towel next to me.

"Wanna get out? My toes look like little old people." I laughed and Grayson and I both got out, me wrapping the large towel around my body and walked over to the outdoor bar.

"So E and I have to go back to LA tomorrow." Grayson wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as I scrolled through my phone.

"Oh." I turned around and faced him and he ran his hands up and down my thighs. "For how long?"

"I'm not sure." He moves the hair in front of my face and tucked it behind my ear. "Come with us."

"Grayson you already know I can't. I have my sister to take care of."

"It's summer. Bring her with." I smiled at him and tried to think of reasons I shouldn't. "We have an extra room you two can sleep in. Just like a week."

"Grayson I can't expect you to do that. I have money saved we can get a hotel if we can even go." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he smirked at me.

"Please? I'm sure Ally would love to come." He gave me puppy dog eyes and I smiled at him even more.

"Grayson it's such short notice."

"That's okay. I can buy your plane tickets now, just tell your parents and Ally." I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed my mom and Grayson sat on the stool next to me.

"Hey mama, are you near Ally?" I asked once she answered the FaceTime call.

"Yeah I'll go get her. What's up?" I saw her walk into Ally's room then sit on her bed.

"So I wanted to know how you and Ally would feel if I took her to LA for a week?" I smiled through the camera and saw ally gasp and run to our mom.

"With Grayson and Ethan?!" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah if it's okay with mom." I pleaded and she sighed.

"Peyton. You better take care of your sister like your life depends on it. If anything happens I want you two on the first flight here, you understand me?" My mom said sternly and I smiled and nodded to Grayson.

"I will mom, I promise."

"When is this trip?" She asked

"I know it's really short notice, but tomorrow." I responded hoping she wouldn't change her mind.

"Peyton...." She began but I cut her off.

"Everything will be okay mom. You know I have money saved." I reassured her.

"Fine. I'll get her stuff packed, when's the flight tomorrow?"

"It's at 9, would you meet us at the airport?" I asked and my mom sighed.

"Alright honey. Sleep well tonight, I love you and I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up after saying I love you back and then smiled at Grayson.

"We're gonna have so much fun." Grayson stood up and winked at me,  which caused my face to heat up and a blush to spread across my cheeks.

"Nice innuendos, you dirty Boi." I laughed and pushed him away but he held onto my wrist so he didn't go to far.

"Look at the sunset." Grayson smiled and looked to my right at the pink and orange sunset. "That's so gorgeous."

He walked away from me a bit and took a few pictures of the sunset, and I took a picture of him, so I could remember how insanely incredible this moment was, looking at two of the most pure things I've seen. "I love how neon it looks." He walked over to me and put his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I could stay like this forever." I said softly and leaned my head against his as we both stared out at the sunset.

"Follow me." He said and we both stood up straight. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a ladder that sat by the side of his house. "We're going on the roof." He said to me and I smiled then walked up the ladder, Grayson right behind me and stepped on the roof.

"Oh my god." I smiled and looked at Grayson walk to me. "This view is perfect, Babe." I grabbed his hand and sat down, Grayson putting his legs on either side of me and wrapping his arms around my waist like before and putting his head back on my shoulder.

"I can't wait for this week, it's gonna be amazing I promise you." He left gentle kisses along my shoulder and I giggled from his touch.

"I'm just warning you, Ally can be very annoying." I giggled a little and tilted my head to try and look at Grayson.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." Grayson said and kissed my jaw.

When I'm with him I feel like I can stay awake forever. I feel almost unstoppable like nothing will happen to me.

I wish I knew what went on in his head, I want to know if he feels the way I feel. "What're you thinking about?" He asked, then smiled at me and kissed my jaw again.

"You." I smiled and felt his kisses on my bare shoulders, causing goosebumps to form.

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