Chapter 1: Song, Song, Song- y, Song, Song

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~January's P.O.V.~

  "I haven't written one song. In. The. Past. Two. Months. Stupid. Writer's. Block." I groaned, spinning around on my chair. I tapped my pen against my chin as I listened to the radio with Alishia.

  "Well, every writer does have those times. You'll get a muse... somehow." Alishia assured me. I just rolled my eyes and continued going in circles. That reminds me...

  "Circles, we're going in circles

   Dizzie's all it makes us

   We know where it takes us we've been before

   Closer, maybe looking closer, there's more to discover

   Find out what went wrong without blaming each other," I sung happily whilst coming to a stop. "Harry is absolutely... pure perfection." I sighed, thinking of him as I finished off one of his solos in One Direction's, 'Same Mistakes'.

  "Who's Harry?" my friend asked, looking at me in a peculiar way.

  "Please, do not get me started on ranting about One Direction again, Alishia." I sighed, clicking my tongue at her pitifully.

  Alishia has absolutely no clue in the entire universe who One Direction was, much less Harry Styles. I talk to her about them all the time, but she just doesn't catch on. She's the kind of person that just says 'Uh huh' all the time, barely listening to a word you say. But still, she's there for me. She just isn't there for me when I start to talk about One Direction, I guess.

  "Oh! Yeah, that guy, and that guy... Ooh and that other guy, too! And that guy with suspenders, that dude with the... Uh... One kidney!" Alishia pointed at me as she mentioned each 'guy' in One Direction.

  "That really helps, Alishia. Now I know who's in One Direction." I stated sarcastically. Alishia stuck her tongue out at me and I chuckled. Alishia's eyes suddenly bugged out of her head. I raised an eyebrow at her questioningly.

  "So you know that Harry guy you're practically in love with, January?" Alishia asked me. I nodded at her encouragingly. "Why don't you write a love song about him?!" I jumped up and down and hugged her, as she just saved my life from the toxic thought of an on-coming period of writer's block.

  "Can I kick you out of my house now so that I can focus on writing the song?" I pleaded.

  "What a nice way of thanking me."

  "I know, right?"

  "But, I wanna hear the song!"

  "I'll post it on YouTube. 'Kay?" I offered. Alishia nodded and said bye to me, walking out of my room. She lived next door and our windows were parallel to each other, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I walked over to my work table and grabbed my orange song book, opening it up to a blank page, scrawling over the page with song lyrics that just seemed to ooze out of the pen with each movement. I guess I just had so much to say about Harry and my feelings towards the British boy.

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