Chapter 6

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This is bad . This is so , so bad!

Nakume thought cursing as she paced endlessly around her brother's room . Her parents' control was far too stressing . She somehow saw it happening but she never knew itd be that fast . She was just 15 and they were already arranging a marriage for her , setting up an early engagement . Who was it ? She didn't know , she didn't need to know really , according to her parents . Hiro was practically pulling at his hair whilst Nakume was screaming on the inside instead . She was actually mad about that decision because of Illumi more than the fact of them being controlling , which was something she should be used to . But...why was she angry because of Illumi...her face grew into a deep shade of red when she wondered .

"Watchu' gonna tell him ?" Hiro asked snapping her out of it .

"Tell who what ?" She half didn't get it half played the fool .

"Tell Illumi about the marriage! Do not tell me you'll keep it from him..." He stared in shock , waiting for her to tell him his assumption was wrong . She shook her head , "I don't know..."

"Man , you gotta do it! He'll be bothered if you don't , right ?"

She nodded . He was super right .

"Plus he has to take a freaking step , what is this? It's so obvious that you guys like-"

"Sh-shut up!" Shyly and panickingly , she tried to shut her brother up placing her hand over his mouth to stop him from proceeding .


"What?" Nakume paused looking at him trying to make out what her brother was saying before realizing her hand was still over his mouth .


"I said okay fine!" He crossed his arms , he knew she was just a coward to admit her so obvious crush on Illumi . But what was she really going to do ?


"You are trained well enough . You've taken a long time than we anticipated . Time to kill , my baby ."

Illumi shuddered , a shiver running down his spine . He knew this moment had to come . He deliberately made mistakes while training to elongate the period pre assassinating but he was already fifteen and he knew this mistake would ruin his siblings...they'd have to train way earlier than him to perfect all the techniques quicker and start murdering . He felt guilty , so guilty but...he had no choice . He was scared . He didn't want to take anyone's life , he had always tried his hardest to avoid all those chances and situations his parents had wished for . He acted as if he lusted for blood but truth was he never wanted to think about it . He always thought , " what would happen if she wasn't there...would I be a..."

"I don't want to ." He gulped standing up straight .

"What's that I just heard?!! Ahahaha good joke , illumi awww!"

Illumi couldn't really understand why his mother's reactions were kinda...odd . Not only her reactions , her usual behavior was rather dramatic and always so overreacted .

Sooner or later , his act would be blown off anyway .

"I'm not joking!"

He wasn't the emotionless obedient merciless Illumi they'd hoped for . He wasn't their perfect son .

"Say that again , son. Say it!! " she hysterically laughed , grabbing Illumi by his shirt's collar aggressively .

"I said I don't want to! I don't want to kill! It has no purpose . What's the point anyway ? " Illumi didn't know where he had gotten that boost of confidence . He had always imagined that day he'd be stuttering and shaking in fear , unable to lift a finger but here he was yelling and ready to fight . She gave him power somehow , when he pictured Nakume's face , he was sure this was the right thing to do .

"What's the point , you say ? Where's my dear Illumi? Who did this to you! Tell me and I'll crush them to pieces haha!"

You could see his mother's face , kikyo , twitching in a strange way . She was clearly losing it . Illumi , unintentionally , stared in horror but recovered quickly not to seem suspicious . He couldn't help it , his heart pounded in fear against his chest . He couldn't imagine the thought of his mother crushing Nakume . Thankfully , his mother was in too much panic to notice .

"You're the first son in the Zoldyck Family , you should be honored , how could you say that!" Kikyo cracked up , sobbing . "Disgraceful! Shame on you!" She slapped Illumi with all her might . "Spiteful!" She slapped him again and again and again as she threw bricks of insults to his self . His cheeks were all red and swollen but his eyes were piercing cold to her . He was not going to be weak , he won't change his mind .

She panted , taking her breath after the countless slaps she had given him , her palms radiating a red color themselves .

"We'll see , we'll see~! " She dragged Illumi with two more unfamiliar butlers helping her .


"Why isn't he replying..." Nakume was biting her nails nervously . It was past midnight now , her parents were supposed to be sleeping and she was clutching her phone in her room under the warm blankets . Illumi hadn't sent at least one text .

Nakuu!! : Illumi , are you okay ?

Nakuu!! : You're so late , where are you ?

Nakuu!! : Should I...come to you ?

*two hours later*

Nakuu!! : I can't sleep...I'm so worried about you

Nakuu!! : Please...please send something please God..

Nakuu!! : I'm coming , that's it!

Nakume got out of bed , changing to a black hoodie and pants . It was somehow safe now..her parents were fast asleep and they wouldn't wake up soon . She wouldn't be out for so long anyway . She pulled her hood up , grabbing her phone in her sweaty shaking hand . Just walking out of the door , she heard the familiar vibration .

"Illumi!" She hastily turned her phone on , almost making it fall . Her heart pounded hard against her chest as she clicked on the notified text message .

Illumi : We are..friends ?

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