Chapter 4

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  Nakume's parents weren't as horrible as Illumi's if we talked about the training to be an assassin and controlling part , but other than that , her parents were far more ignorant and insensitive , at least Illumi's parents had actually talked to him and wanted him to have an important role in the family . They never cared for her as long as she could remember.  They wanted to imprison her in the house , lock her away from the world and people and any kind of relations . She didn't understand why , they had no purpose for her to stay anyway not like she was needed . They sent trainers for her so she could be able to do all physical and fighting abilities but what for ? Boasting about her to their friends or whatever . They wanted to improve their image better and better and forgot that there had to be consequences . Nakume hasn't told Illumi about it but , apart from the insomnia , she had grown weaker everyday , overcome by fatigue almost all the time . Trainers weren't easy on her . They were only present four days a week but she has also started to learn Nen and it had been consuming her energy more than the usual rate . Nakume was more of a rebellious , not so obedient child when she saw things that were wrong but who was she talking to ? An inanimate object , perhaps . Never responding . She was forced just as Illumi was , and she didn't know how long it was going to continue like this .

"Nakume , come here ."

Her mother called . When was the last time she had a conversation with her parents again ?

"Yes , mother ."

"Have you figured out your special nen ability yet ?" Her father spoke this time . Her parents never eye contacted her once .

"No . I only..." She trailed off , knowing they'll not respond if her answer was more than what the question required .

"Why ?" They weren't pleased .
"I only started a week ago . That's so little time for me to already have a special ability ."

"Maybe you're not working hard enough . We have some visits to our friends and acquaintances and you're supposed to go . How can you go when you're so useless ?"

"Heard of Neon Nostrade for sure and her marvelous nen ability of furtune telling . Hah! Be like her , will you! "

"Such disgrace..."

So she understood . They've kept her in the house to use her later . She was only a possession for them after all . Nakume wanted to burst into them , to say all the things she wanted to say but her tongue was tied . She only wanted to talk to Illumi right now . She wanted to hug him and rest her head on his lap while he ran his hand softly through her hair . She felt a presence to the left , glanced to that direction and saw her little brother hiding in the shadows of their house's hallway , clenching his fists in anger . She slightly smiled . She needed that care more than anything and she swore on her life that she'll free her brother with her and Illumi . Stopping him from doing any impuslive act , she excused herself , her parents guving no reaction and pulled her brother's hand to his room .

"No , Nakume!"

She only looked at him with a soft smile , enough to calm him down and assure him that she's okay , that it was all okay .

  They entered the room and shut the door securely behind them . His room was as clean as ever , he usually didn't spend his time in it except when when he's sleeping or napping . He solved his homework in the living room and he took his lessons in the study and library . He never saw how it was outside , actually saw not just those places they go with their parents in the car , the closed windows blocking all the view and fresh air . He was homeschooled , just like her , in fact that was all he had to do . He wasn't made to train severely , thankfully , as he really wasn't so significant to their parents - Nakume did give him some important self defence classes though in case of emergencies - .

  They never wanted another child , they say it was a dumb mistake . They even thought before about sending him to an orphanage but Nakume refused it and fought with them to the very end . Only caring about their image , they kept him and sent private tutors to teach him all the normal subjects as in schools .

  "..You still can't sleep well , right ?" Her brother decided to change the topic for now , noticing her highly visible eye bags . He knew about all the training , insomnia and meeting Illumi matters . Despite the age difference , six years , they were quite close . He never really told her but deep down , he always wanted to ask her to take him out at least just once but he didn't dare say it when she had alot to go through all the time . But Nakume wasn't clueless...she was just scared about him . If by any chance , she got caught , she thought she could manage with the discipline but she would never wish for her brother to receive it with her . Yes , her parents were cold and ignorant and calm to a frustrating extent but when they were angry , it was so , so bad .

But , you know , she had a huge surprise prepared just for him on his coming birthday , when she'd let him try all -or most at least - things he wished to see .

"No..I really miss proper sleep and..dreams ."
That word , that magical yet sad word , carried alot in their hearts .
"Maybe if you sleep in his arms , you'll -"

"Shut up , Hiro!" Her cheeks reddened  almost immediately after what Hiro said . She actually napped in his arms once when they were six or something .

"Come on , it's so obvious you want that ." He shrugged , totally enjoying watching her get flustered . They giggled together , Nakume still denying . Hiro , huh ? His name really suited him so well . He was indeed a hero saving the day a multiple times and bringing a smile to Nakume's face . He even had the trait of all heroes : impulsiveneess .

"I do not want that! Not even a little bit! He's just like you , a brother!"

Sorry , Illumi , you have just gotten brotherzoned even though we all knew it wasn't true .

"Yeah , that's what they all say . Plus , it could only be an innocent sleep time I haven't said anything else . Did you , by any chance , think of something else ?" He wiggled his eyebrows , feeling the triumph of winning over her and the fun if teasing her .

"Hiro!" She groaned or perhaps , growled , in frustration . Hiro was only nine but his mind was older than his age . Or that's what they say .

"Ah , right!" She suddenly remembered . "I forgot to text Illumi!"

"Well , go ahead." He smiled . He was happy for his sister that she had a good friend like Illumi although , between you and me , he was the protective kind of brother , the one who would always keep a safe distance between her and him just in case . He wanted a friend of his age too..he really did , so much , but he had his loving sister with him and..that was really enough . At least , for now .


(A/N) Illumi-less chapter sorryy! But I love Hiro , I hope you like him too!

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