Chapter 3

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  (A/N) The zoldycks are foreigners right ? So I think they're not supposed to be japanese ? I am not sure but anyway , I have Japan themes in this chapter .

It wasn't the first time they had gone out to town together . 
When his parents slept late at night , when their parents traveled for usually business trips - the way it was with Nakume the entire time - when they were left home alone for a good amount of time , they grabbed the chance tight and escaped out of their prisons even if it was only temporary . They always felt the thrill of breaking the rules and having fun in a different way . They actually felt like normal kids  . 

Nakume munched on her little dango . It was her favorite sweet no matter what else she tried . Illumi on the other hand bought a packet of a dozen rice cakes , stuffed his mouth with over...five cakes ? Can a human mouth even handle that much ?

They walked side by side along the river and enjoyed the view and the lovely weather . They were deprived of things that seemed so ordinary to others , therefore they were that easy to be impressed . They looked like a teen couple , holding hands so tightly - as if letting go for a second would make the other disappear  - and teasing each other almost all the time . 

"Hey , Give me some!" Nakume's hair bounced as she jumped , struggling to get hold of the rice cakes . He stretched his arm up even higher , smirking . 

"Come on! We have to eat them before getting back anyway!" She crossed her arms in a childish behavior . 

"Yeah ,would eat them before getting back ." 

"Meanie! You should share!" Nakume punched his chest a multiple times , wishing he'd crouch down so she could snatch the packet but his chest was as solid as a rock . In fact , if she hadn't been practicing on her physical abilities , her fingers would've crashed against his chest by now . "You're quite persistent , aren't you ?" Illumi was so having fun with this . Nakume squinted her eyes and turned away , seemingly giving up . Illumi shrugged . The sound of the opening of the packet and the cake rubbing against the carton texture as he took it out to take a bite was enough to trigger Nakume's eating instincts and with one super-flip and an incredible swift , she took it away and shoved it immediately into her mouth . Illumi was stunned for a whole minute . 

"You're so..unbelievable ." He chuckled , pulling her by her shoulder next to him . 

They were going back to their houses . It has been two hours since they left the tunnel together and they couldn't risk staying longer than that . Nakume knew her brother would be either sleeping or watching TV but she still had to take care of him and the first thing she was going to do , was apologizing to him for coming home so late and leaving him alone . 

"I wish we could..." Her voice trailed off . He sighed and nodded understanding her , "Me too.."

They could , they really could . They just had to let go off the heavy weight holding them onto that harsh ground .

Nakume and Illumi arrived after some time . She worried too much so she had to get him back home first then she'd take her leave .

"I'm the guy you know . It should be the other way round , baka . " You can tell that Illumi wasn't happy by this .

"I can't help it!" Nakume pushed him to keep walking and he gave up , letting her push him to the front steps , to the way the opening of the tunnel was .

"Good night ." Nakume said sadly , she didn't want him to leave yet . Her hands were still on his back from behind , holding on to him , her face turning to a pouty one but her voice  was enough to show it all . He knew that something was wrong .

"Your parents..." He turned to face her . She nodded .
"Yeah , they are back tomorrow morning . We can't meet for a couple of weeks.." Nakume hated it so much . They were away almost the entire year round , why would they be back now ? They never cared for her or her brother anyway . She practically raised him .

"Hey , it's okay . We've went through that alot ." He brushed the hair away from her face . As he expected , she was tearing up , hardly pushing the tears back .
"Yeah but I don't like it.."
Illumi knew how strong she was and would never stop being impressed but..he also knew Nakume was so fragile alone . Her mind would take control of her , she'd live with the negativity till it might kill her .

He did it unconsciously . His thumb was gently rubbing her lips , his face leaning in slowly and carefully .
Ring , ring .

Nakume 's phone .
They frantically snapped out of it and stepped away from each other , Nakume answering her phone call and Illumi staring at the ground , amazed that his heart was pounding that much .

"Yes ?...Mmm..Sorry...Really ?!...are they?!..aha , I'll be back ."

Illumi was sweating . He didn't like what he was hearing . He was worried .

"They're back just an hour ago . I can't believe they got back earlier , brother couldn't sneak to call me except now . They were looking for me and I have s bad feeling about this!" Nakume rushed on her words , her hands trembling . Nothing would be worse than either of their families knowing about their rendezvous .

"Well , then get back quick! I'll be fine , just go . I'll text you . "

"Thank you! Bye , please sleep well ." She squeezed his arm then hurried back the street to her house , running at full speed .

"She should worry about her sleep..." He shook his head with a smile . Nakume had been fighting insomnia for three years .

He crawled into the tunnel , checking his phone's watch . He had been practicing to go faster back to the mansion and he decided to do it today in seven minutes . His mind wandered off to when she hasn't come to their secret place that one day . It was the first time that had ever happened . He remembered crying and sobbing and feeling disappointed of himself , that perhaps she has gotten tired of him and decided not to be his friend anymore . He thought about how he was occupied by insecurities , how he thought that maybe , just maybe , his family were the best for him . He was only a little boy , it was easy for him to get influenced . She was only sick that day . She even brought him a gift to apologize for not coming . The tag on the gift had 'best friend' habdwritten on it . She erased all those thoughts . All thise insecurities . All that darkness and manipulations they used on his mind .
He didn't know how she did it but...he was truly , truly grateful .

Save Me (Illumi Zoldyck x Oc) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant