Chapter 1

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We met through an underground tunnel .

  It was hard for them . The two friends who lived in fear and secrecy from others thought they would never be free of their worries . Their families . His harsh , cold , murderous family said they wanted the best for them . Her selfish ignorant family told her to not befriend anyone and to stay at home while they travel away all year long . It is not surprising when both of them meet , repel their families together as time passes . After all , they were quite the same ; they didn't have cherishing loving parents and they were required to be whatever their parents wanted them to be , only to please them .

It was the 15th year of the continuous meeting in the secret underground passage . Actually , it was only the 10th year since they met when they were 6 but they preferred to count years this way , as if they've met when they were born .

She was creeping her way into the tunnel , making sure she's crawling quick enough to meet her best friend on time . The Zoldyck's house was far into the forest and mountain so the distances in the tunnel were alot . Oh , yes , his family was the Zoldycks .

The space in the tunnel was enough for them to sit with only a few inches above their heads . There was no place to stand unless they decided to exit the tunnel together from any of the two openings .

"Nakume!" Her best friend exclaimed , not so loudly , when he saw her crawling in on her hands and knees . He had been waiting for a while or so .

"I'm here! I'm sorry , I'm late . My brother had homework to do abd I had to help him get done with it . " Nakume said as she crossed her legs sitting right next to him .
"Such a good sister ." He smiled , nudging her . His attitude was much more different than anytime you would see him . He didn't mask his emotions and expressions when he was with her , it was only an act of pretension to fool his strict parents .

"Yeah , yeah . Don't tease me . You help your siblings too!"

"Sibling affection is much better if the eldest is a girl , come on ." He smirked this time , teasing her . She playfully rolled her eyes , sank her hand in her pockets to bring out the pink and green creamy cupcakes . She crawled carefully into the tunnel back then not to destroy the precious cupcakes!

"Cupcakes?" Her best friend's face lightened up , already reaching for the pink one when Nakume slapped his hand away , with the evilest grin ever .

"The magic word ?"

"Ugh , please ." He pleaded and reached once again for the delicious treat only to find her pulling her hand away again .

"Wrong answer ." Yes , it wasn't their magic word . His ears perked up , he knew the right answer so well .

"Mike's uglyface ."

Nakumi giggled , she remembered when she told him how his face was ugly like Mike the first time they met . His face was smudged with dirt back then and his eyes were all teary , mixing with the dirt and making him look worse .

She finally handed him the pink cream cupcake and munched on her green one too .

"Illumi ?" She called as she watched him , devouring his cupcake in two bites , crumbs surrounding his mouth and cheeks like a child's .

"yesh ?" He spoke with his mouth full of food making her laugh at that adorable sight .
"I was going to say something emotional then you ruined it , baka!" She saud between her laughs . Nakume laughed quicker than anyone . A simple joke would sometimes make her tear up from laughter . You can say , certain things were funny to her than other actual funny stuff .

"Wait , what were you going to say ? Tell me!" He shook her shoulders . She sighed , "Well...I really.." Nakume looked directly into his eyes with a serious look . A moment of silence passed before she proceeded , "Adore your hair!" She watched as his expression turned from an excited puppy to a disgusted judging kitten .
"It is fabulous , you can't blame me!"
She did adore his hair . She used to play with it softly to soothe him as he vent off to her about the hell he was facing everyday at his home .

He threw his weight on her side , on purpose and she exclaims an 'ow' .
"Fine , I wanted to say that...I'm really glad I have you , Illumi . And I know that one day , you'll finally be free . Out of here , away from all this torture and every thing , just trust me on that ." She smiled . She really meant every word . He didn't give an expression rightway , just stared into her face waiting for God knows what .
And out of her expectations , he only flicked her forehead , frowning .

"What was that for ?!" She squinted her eyes in annoyance . She could feel the little sting on her forehead , it probably turned red .

"We' ll be free . Together . "

Nakume smiled again , happy by how he cared for her the most . She really had no one but him and her younger brother . Illumi smiled back too . Both of them wanted to run away..leave everything behind..but they were only fifteen . They didn't know places very well , they were always imprisoned in their homes for their parents' needs . They didn't have money . They had no idea what do...moreover they were scared . Scared of the discipline that would await them if they ran away and got caught . They knew their families weren't stupid .

A sound that echoed well startled them , interrupting their thoughts . It was Illumi's mother shrieking voice , looking for him . He looked at her , his eyes were sad and troubled . Nakumi immediately understood . Of course , what would be there waiting for him , other than that ?

It was his training time .


First chapter in Illumi's story yaayy! I hope you like it ! I've always had this thought that what if things were different a little ? And Illumi had a chance ?! Tell ne what you think!

The cover is pretty awful , can't find time to make a good cover siiigh ;-;

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