"You haven't called your parents yet." I swallow hard and stared at the assassin shocked by the turn in our conversation. "I've been living with you for the last ten days and you haven't talked to them, not once." She looks at me frowning and seems utterly confused. I take a deep breath and try to gather my thoughts before I explain her, setting aside my plate... I'm not hungry anymore. I understand that the cold relationship I have with my parents seems weird to her given that Ares would give anything to be able to hug her parents again.

"Andreja the fact that you become a parent doesn't mean that you love your children immediately since the very day they're born, some parents just bear their children because they have no choice." The assassin opens her eyes wide, completely stunned by my cold words... Shit! Maybe I didn't express myself clearly and I made it worse. "Listen, my parents aren't bad people, okay? No, I'm serious, don't frown like that, they are not, I promise. The problem is that... they weren't expecting me. They're very normal people, an average couple that hasn't done anything extraordinary in their lives and their only goal is to live doing what other people around them do. Drawing attention or standing out for any reason have never occur to them. They think that the best way to live is just going with the flow..."

I sigh exasperated, I don't know how to make her understand without hating my parents. Being indifferent is part of their personalities, they don't have intentional bad faith behaviour, it's just that being warm it's not in their nature so I learnt to forgive them long time ago. It's not their fault. Ares places her hand over mine, encouraging me to speak again... she seems genuinely interested.

"My dad owns a car dealership and is a good salesman. My mom is a traditional housewife and she collaborates with a wide range of charitable activities in her parish, her idea of how a funny Friday evening must be is spending the time having cookies and tea with her friends of the Book Club while they chat about the last book they've had read, and it'd likely be a very boring one... don't think that they read some kind of erotic literature. They went to Florida on vacation on two or three occasions and that was the most exciting thing they've done in years." The assassin snorts amused. "They've lived the very same experiences that people around them have lived, always doing the right thing. The neighbourhood snoopers have never had a reason to criticise my parents. Having children is one of those things that they felt they 'had to do' since everybody was having them but I'm not sure that they really wanted them. They had me kind of late in life when they'd almost given up hope... they didn't expect me and all of a sudden they had to deal with a needy cry baby. If I'd been a 'normal' girl maybe things might have been different, they still wouldn't be warm people but my mom most likely would've come with me to buy a prom dress and my dad would've taken some pictures with my date before we left... just because that was what everybody was doing. But I wasn't normal and I didn't have a prom..."

I get up under Ares watchful eyes and I take our plates to the sink, I rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. Then I take a plate of tangerines with mint syrup, chopped toasted almonds and chocolate chips that she's made for dessert and I place it on the table. I don't bother to take a fork and I use my fingers to put in my mouth a piece of tangerine dripping in sweet syrup. I chew enthusiastically.

"This is delicious," I mutter licking my fingers while the assassin smiles and takes her own piece of fruit. "My high IQ became a problem for my parents, an exceptionally gifted child that is moved forward two grades and goes to the university before her time draws too much attention. They didn't know how to deal with people's curiosity and their questions, not that my neighbours were asking with malicious intent, they had a genuine interest for me and my new life, but the whole situation was unpleasant for my parents. They felt uncomfortable talking with me also... other parents talk with their children about classes, what are they doing with their friends next weekend or they want you to introduce them to your boyfriend but my parents have never been able to do that. They don't even understand what I've studied at the university or what I'm doing for a living... which must be counted in my favour right now probably." We both smile amused while we finish the tangerine dessert. "So my parents put food in my belly and a roof over my head, they bought me clothes and school supplies, some gifts for Christmas... and that's all. But I'm not complaining, it was a lot in comparison with what other children have and they've never beaten me or punished me hard. We barely talk because we have nothing interesting to say to the other side actually. And besides..."

I hesitate for a few seconds, I don't know if I should keep talking about this. I get up to put the dessert plate in the dishwasher but this time Ares follows me. She places her hands on my waist and forces me to turn to face her, leaning my buttocks against the kitchen counter while she hugs me and stares at me with curiosity.

"My parents go to church every Sunday morning and, as I've already said, my mom collaborates with her parish frequently. I've never known how strong their religious convictions really are or they just go to church because that way they're 'normal' people and they keep a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. I went with them to some meetings at first but when I was a teenager I stopped attending to the church since I was already at the university and I had to study a lot, I barely had any time to myself. But those few times I went made me realize that people like me... or like you... "The assassin tilts her head to one side and blinks confused. "People like us aren't well regarded in my parents' circle of friends and I'm afraid that, if they find out that I like girls instead of boys... that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and they won't talk to me anymore. Despite their imperfections, they're my parents and I don't want to lose them..."

My bodyguard frowns and clenches her jaw. I believe I've been unsuccessful in explaining the situation and I've managed to make things worse. She probably thinks badly of my parents right now. I cup her perfect jaw with my hand. "Andreja, honestly, they aren't that bad, they're just... rigid. They lack spontaneity, creativity and a little of fun in their lives. That's all. Sometimes I wonder how it's possible that I and my crazy head are the result of the sum of both. I think I take after my grandma, the one with the mathematical formula, and I thank God for that." Ares can't help but chuckle and she kisses the tip of my nose. She seems more relaxed now. She points at the couch and I walk to the living room while she looks for something in the kitchen cabinets. My phone is on the coffee table and I hesitate for a moment when I see it... the truth is that it's been almost three weeks since the last time a I talked to my parents. I dial their number on impulse before I lost my nerve and wait...

"Hello mom." The assassin pokes head out of the kitchen and stares at me with an eyebrow raised. "Yes, I know it's a bit late, I'm sorry. How are you doing?" I walk a few steps from the living room to the front door and I look at my reflection in the big mirror while I listen to my mother. "I'm happy to hear that... and how's dad doing? He's already in bed, of course..." I walk back to the living room sighing. "I'm fine, I have a new commission and I'm very busy. Yes... of course mom, good night to you both... and give my best regards to your friends of the book club. I'll call you in a few days. Yes... Bye." I hang up the phone and I drop it on the coffee table again. When I look up I realize that Ares is in front of me staring at me with caution, waiting for my reaction... but there' no reaction at all. I gave up crying years ago, when I understood that their attitude was in their nature and it wasn't my fault. The assassin cradles my face with her hands and looks at me right into my eyes, she clears her throat and whispers:

"You're perfect." I smile shyly and blush while I hold back my tears, only Andreja has this effect on me: she's able to make my heart beat faster whit just three words. Her lips lock with mines in a soft and sweet kiss that gets hotter gradually till Ares steps back laughing and shaking her head. She points at the couch again and I sit down when I hear the microwave 'ding' in the kitchen and the smell of fresh popcorn drifts through the loft. Bonny and Josie come running from their beds and jump on the couch next to me. They don't care about popcorn, don't like to eat it, actually what they really want is the assassin putting the bowl between their bodies in order to enjoy the heat while we eat it. My bodyguard rolls her eyes hard when she gets closer and she realizes that my cats have taken their positions and are staring at her with expectation, she finally sits down next to them and places the bowl between their bodies. My pets stretch their limbs looking for a comfortable position while she takes the remote to pick out a movie.

"Zombies? I didn't know that you liked these kinds of films." She shrugs and hands me the remote. "No, no, it's okay. We'll watch this one." I answer while I get a handful of popcorn from the bowl. Ares gives me a paper towel.

One hour later I'm chewing on corn kernels that didn't pop completely while I tilt my head to one side in front of the screen. I could swear... "That actress looks just like you... the one with the torch." Ares rolls her eyes by my side sighing in resignation. "You've heard that before, don't you?" She nods pursing her lips while she keeps staring at the screen with her arm over my shoulders, the cats went back to their beds the moment the popcorn heat vanished. I look at her out of the corner of my eye with a wide grin on my lips and she turns to look at me, raising an eyebrow, confused...

"You're way prettier than her." 

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