Chapter 7: Enemy?

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( Tom's point of view )


"Edd! What the hell!?!" I yelled, Looking at Edd who was just casually sipping his cola.

"What? I was testing him." he said, I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"What do you mean? You made him really sad!" I said, Still kinda pissed off at Edd

"It was to test what he would do, If he really loved you, He would care." He said finishing his cola.

"Well now he's gone! and he thinks you like me too!"

"Well as long as Matt doesn't find out I don't think it can be so bad if you just tell Tord." He said

"What If Matt finds out?! It'll be bad for both of us!"

"I know..I love Matt so much and if he thinks I don't love him back then..It won't be very nice for either of us.." He looked down at the floor, I think he might had been regretting his decision.

Im afraid he already knows..

But should I tell Edd that?


It might hurt him..

( Tord's point of view )


"We have to go back but..I don't wanna go back to Tom.." I Said.

"You can stay with me if you want" Matt said trying to force a smile on his blank face

"That's Nice of you but..Im afraid not" i said

"Your choice" He shrugged.

"Well..See ya round' Matt" I said waving goodbye and walking slowly back to the apartment complex.

I pulled out my phone in the lobby and sat on one of the chairs.

"Paul?" I said

"Sir? Whats wrong?" He sounded tired.

"Can I stay with you guys tonight?" I asked

"Of course Sir, Ill be waiting." He said.

I hung up and walked to the room.

"Hello Sir, Might I ask why you decided to come here?" He asked.

"Ill tell you when I get inside" 

We walked in and sat down on the couch.

"So, What's wrong sir?" He asked.

I explained what happened to Paul and he cut me off at the end.

"Wait, Why do you even care about this 'Tom'? Don't you hate him?"

I stopped.

"No..Its quite the opposite actually." I said, Sounding guilty.

"Sir..You can't be falling in love with anyone, Especially not your enemy!"

He isn't my enemy..

He will never be my enemy..


In the state we are in now..

We aren't anything more than enemy's.

Are we?

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